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[3220] Graushwein vs. PacManPolarBear

#1Graushwein  Mar 8 2007, 04:45 AM -
Replays: 2 Game:
I know know that this is not the best replay in the world, but I'd say it represents the average players.

Ok, looks like I should post a general overview of the game.

I start out by sending out some engineer harrassers (flares), which do nothing but scare my opponent away from attacking my engineers. I concentrate on getting my economy going quickly with my commander while my opponent sends his commander to the middle to secure it as a strategic position. I notice this pretty quickly and immediately try to purge the plateau but with his commander there I decide it is better to pull back a hair and put down some T1 PD, which does the job nicely. Moments later my T2 engineers are floating off the factories and immediately begin constructing a T2 turret to take back the plateau and some T2 power plants (was short on energy, OOPS).

Watch the replay to see who wins.

I'm looking for feedback on my play please.

Here are some things that I know I need to improve on:
1. early harrassment
2. watching the minimap (totally missed an engineer reclaiming my extractors for a bit)
3. scouting
4. attacking more

The one thing that I have the most trouble with early game engineer hunting AND protecting my engineers at the same time. It just doesn't seem like I can do both. Am I sending out my engineers too early or what?

Anyways, tell me what you think.
This post has been edited by Graushwein: Mar 8 2007, 20:02 PM
#2Graushwein  Mar 8 2007, 21:54 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
I guess I needed a more snappy title smilie_bleh.gif
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