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Player Spotlight: Dunedain

By Pallando - 26th January 2016 - 01:07 AM

After a long time, we at GameReplays are happy to provide a new warrior spotlight. Dunedain has agreed to take part in this and answered a few questions!

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GameReplays - Hello Dunedain, thanks for doing this Spotlight. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Dunedain - Hello my name is Sule and I'm from India. My hobby is playing video games and watching TV shows, I love The Lord of the Rings (LotR) like we all do and I love Battle for Middle-earth (BFME).

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GameReplays - Tell us a bit about your online gaming history?

Dunedain - Hmm... I only play BFME. About a year ago I tried some other games like League of Legends, Warcraft, Age of Mythology as well as some Android games like Clash of Clans or 8 Ball Pool, but none of them can beat BFME. BFME is best!

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GameReplays - So, how did you first get started with BFME?

Dunedain - I've always loved The Lord of the Rings and I've tried all LotR games, but BFME was simply amazing, so I started playing BFME Online in 2007. I played about 3 years from 2007-2010, and after a break I started playing again in 2012.

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GameReplays - What do you like so much about BfME, that has kept you playing the game for years?

Dunedain - Friends, BFME's gameplay, Lord of the Rings in general and especially using the heroes Legolas, Theoden and Gandalf. Glorious Charge is simply the best!

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GameReplays - Gamereplays.org - What is one funny moment you can recall ?

Dunedain - I remember playing a 3v3 with some mates and I was Mordor, Aragorn ran away from combos with 0.1 hp and I killed him with my Gollum. It was so funny and all laughed so hard and I think I have many other funny moments with my friends in this game.

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GameReplays - What are some characteristics that you think help make up a great RTS player?

Dunedain - Play for fun! Improve your micro, never lose hope and keep playing even if you lose! Friends are the most important part, get along well with each other! Participate in every event!

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GameReplays - What games are you active on currently, and how do your experiences there compare to those from BFME?

Dunedain - Only BFME. I don't play any other online PC games but I have played many offline games like the GTA series, the Prince of Persia series, Call of Duty, God of war, Shadow of Mordor, other LotR games, console games etc.

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GameReplays - What is your favorite army and Match-up?

Dunedain - My favorite army is Rohan and my favorite 1vs1 Match-up is Rohan vs Mordor (as long as the Mordor player is pro)

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GameReplays - What is your favorite map, and who is your best Team game partner?

Dunedain - My favourite 3vs3 map is Lebennin and my favorite 4vs4 / 8 player map is Dagorlad. My best Team game partner is haya and Russianrulez.

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GameReplays - We'll finish up with a few quick answer questions.

GameReplays - 1v1/2v2/3v3/4v4?

Dunedain - 3vs3

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GameReplays - Playing against a Forces of Darkness or Forces of Light opponent?

Dunedain - Forces of Darkness

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GameReplays - Killing a high ranked Gandalf the White, or wiping out an entire castle with a Balrog?

Dunedain - Wiping out an entire castle with Balrog

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GameReplays - Army of the Dead or Balrog?

Dunedain - Army of the Dead

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GameReplays - Anything you'd like to add?

Dunedain - Keep calm and play BFME!

GameReplays - Thank you for the Spotlight!

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