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Command and Conquer 3

About The Default Hotkeys

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# 1Aron Times Jan 22 2007, 22:38 PM
The default hotkeys seem to be a bit unwieldy to me. From what I've heard, unit commands are bound to shift+f1, shift+f2, etc., while sidebar icons are bound to f1, f2, etc.

Quite frankly, I don't think that the sidebar icons need hotkeys. Only the production tabs need hotkeys (Q, W, E, and R in Red Alert 2). Also, shift+f1, shift+f2, etc. are quite difficult to press in the heat of battle. Why not change the unit command hotkeys to f1, f2, f3... and the sidebar icons to shift+f1, shift+f2, shift+f3...? Or what about getting rid of the sidebar icons' hotkeys?

I know that you can change hotkey configurations ingame, but I try not to deviate too far from the default configuration in case I have to play in a cybercafe or on any computer other than my own. Having to reconfigure the hotkeys again and again is tedious.

Some tournaments are held in LANs, where everyone can see the players in person. This keeps the players from hacking, because if they did, everyone would know. If the default control scheme is unwieldy, each player would have to spend time reconfiguring the controls after the last player to use the computer is done. This is an annoying waste of time, and would probably hurt C&C 3's chances of becoming an "RTS as a Sport".

Posts: 1,343

Game: StarCraft 2

# 2Daz Jan 22 2007, 22:50 PM
Simple solution, use the default hotkeys.

Posts: 215

Game: Command and Conquer 3

# 3Tokamak Jan 22 2007, 23:34 PM
or couldnt you just make your own personal cfg and just swap it over with the normal one when you want to use your controls on a different pc saving you from manually changing each bind. Is this possible?

Posts: 496

Game: StarCraft 2

# 4AgmLauncher Jan 22 2007, 23:50 PM
Yes, you can save hotkey configurations as files if you want.

The default control scheme is actually very good once you get used to it. You don't have to memorize the hotkey for each unit/structure, you just have to know it's location. Then it's a simple matter of hitting the right F key associated with it's position. It works VERY well tbh. It's more practical.

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# 5Sparky Jan 23 2007, 01:12 AM
Yes but stuff like deploy being Shift + F1 is obviously tougher than just D. Why did they do this? Does D have a different function?

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# 6AgmLauncher Jan 23 2007, 02:06 AM
Yes, reverse mode for all units. Considering there isn't a whole lot that needs to be deployed in the game, this is more important. But it doesn't matter, because the issue with re-assigning "deploy" to one command is that it's impossible. The deploy function is located in different places for different units. So you would need to assign D to one unit, Z to another, X to another or whatever you wanted.

They really need to standardize the location of the deploy command across all deployable units, that way whatever hotkey you assign, will work on all units.

Posts: 39,364

Clan: CrAzY

Game: 8bit Armies, Hordes and Invaders

# 7Sparky Jan 23 2007, 02:39 AM
I think I get it, but maybe I don't.

What is reverse mode? (I'm nearly sure that this is a stupid question)

Posts: 9,998

Clan: H2

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 8High. Jan 23 2007, 02:45 AM
QUOTE(Joseph Silver @ Jan 22 2007, 03:38 PM) *

The default hotkeys seem to be a bit unwieldy to me. From what I've heard, unit commands are bound to shift+f1, shift+f2, etc., while sidebar icons are bound to f1, f2, etc.

Quite frankly, I don't think that the sidebar icons need hotkeys. Only the production tabs need hotkeys (Q, W, E, and R in Red Alert 2). Also, shift+f1, shift+f2, etc. are quite difficult to press in the heat of battle. Why not change the unit command hotkeys to f1, f2, f3... and the sidebar icons to shift+f1, shift+f2, shift+f3...? Or what about getting rid of the sidebar icons' hotkeys?

Actually shift + f1 is real easy to hit curl your thumb under your hand and middle finger hits f1 you don't move your hand from 1 2 3 keys at all and honestly it shoudl take 0.1 seconds to f1 or shift + f1. Idk I played WC3 for a few months and f1 f2 being bound (to heros) works very nicely if you are used to it imo.

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# 9AgmLauncher Jan 23 2007, 02:47 AM
All vehicles have directional armor. They have more hitpoints in the front, less in the sides, and even less in the back.

In ZH, vehicles turn around on a dime, they don't actually turn in a radius. However in C&C 3, they do turn in a radius, they don't back up and turn around in a tight circle or simply pivot in place. So if you retreat units by clicking behind them, they're going to actually turn INTO the enemy first, then drive away, exposing their weaker side and rear armor in the process.

However you can put your units into reverse mode and then they'll be able to drive in reverse, keeping their stronger front armor facing forward, as well as their turrets and weapons.

Moreover, it's been implemented properply. Units don't back up and attempt to converge on the single point you clicked. They simply back up in a straight line and maintain formation, and they pass through units behind them. They dont get into stupid traffic jams. Yeah it's a little unrealsitic, but if they didn't do this, there would be no point in reversing.

Posts: 39,364

Clan: CrAzY

Game: 8bit Armies, Hordes and Invaders

# 10Sparky Jan 23 2007, 02:48 AM
Yeah screw realism, this sounds good.

Posts: 9,998

Clan: H2

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 11roadblock Jan 23 2007, 11:56 AM
The hotkeys imo look easy to remember.

the sidebar options go from left to right as they do on the keyboard

production structure = W
Support Structures = E
Infantry = R
Vehicle = T
Air = ( i would assume Y ) not shown in video

The the units and structures for each of those tabs are F1 upwards, left to right each time.

All you need to know is the map of where units are and u can work out the hotkey, and with practice u remember the names etc in extra quick time.

Doesn't appear hard to me

Posts: 410

Game: Command and Conquer 3

# 12Mooff Jan 23 2007, 12:44 PM
Some questions concerning the damage system.

Do Planes have it?
Do Harvs have it?

Do planeattacks have it? (so if you fly over a tank and then fire on the way back - does it do more damage to this tank?)

Posts: 1,283

Game: Generals 2

# 13AgmLauncher Jan 23 2007, 12:46 PM
Planes don't, harvesters do.

Im not sure if attacks from above count towards the directional armor system or not though.

Posts: 39,364

Clan: CrAzY

Game: 8bit Armies, Hordes and Invaders

# 14Tokamak Jan 23 2007, 21:51 PM
well all attacks on a unit from the air will probably physically land on the target right on top of it so whether you fly at it from the back or front wont make a difference

but what about air to air attacks, like a firehawk shooting a nod aircraft which is facing the other direction?

Posts: 496

Game: StarCraft 2

# 15avilo Jan 24 2007, 14:28 PM
I don't like the idea of an armor system like this. Too complicated.

Posts: 8,431

Game: StarCraft 2

# 16-Netput Jan 24 2007, 14:58 PM
i really like this idea.
Forces you to keep microing your tanks.

Posts: 23,914

Clan: Prisoners Of War

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 17AgmLauncher Jan 24 2007, 15:11 PM
QUOTE(Fritobag @ Jan 24 2007, 09:28 AM) *

I don't like the idea of an armor system like this. Too complicated.

How is it complicated? It doesn't restrict you in any way, you can play the game just fine without even bothering with the armor system. You won't fare as well, but it's not like AoE3's economy where you physically can't build anything and you get big fat rejection messages if you're short one of the resource types. It also forces you to basically stare at your economy to figure out if you can afford something or not or when you'll have enough. That is what I would call a complication.

This armor system doesn't require any extra clicks, and you can play the game without even realizing it's in there. It's a subtle addition of depth that rewards good players for micromanaging properly, and doesn't impact the noobs who are too lazy to keep their front armor facing forward as often as possible.

Everyone wins.

Posts: 39,364

Clan: CrAzY

Game: 8bit Armies, Hordes and Invaders

# 18TeeToo Jan 24 2007, 17:49 PM
sounds great,btw anyone knows when a beta or demo w'll be out?

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Game: Command and Conquer 3


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