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Company of Heroes

1 vp left (some epic sh*t included)

#1SHAMAN79  Jul 27 2014, 18:14 PM -
I just love doing that to THIS KIND OF PPL.
#2djw2104  Jul 27 2014, 18:38 PM -

Replays: 8 Game:
Downloaded, just to find out what doing 'That' to some kind of people is all about. biggrin.gif
#3Temirkhan  Jul 27 2014, 18:45 PM -
Replays: 31
that why you should never mess with shaman smile.gif
#4djw2104  Jul 30 2014, 21:00 PM -

Replays: 8 Game:
An enjoyable game with lots of surprises from both players. A strange start by the US player and he did either have some lag or was very slow in the first few moments.

The only downside was the trash-talking which took place. It is a pity that many don't seem to play with a good spirit win or lose. But that is the intenet I suppose, banter yes - trash talking no. sad.gif

However, this was a good game the way the VP ticker moved to and fro in favour of both players throughout the games progression.

EDIT: Having watched the game again I can understand why the OP got annoyed. Your opponent was premature and lacked gamesmanship by calling an early GG. I was always under the impression, please correct me if I am wrong, but when a player calls "gg" it means that they are going to drop and concede the game.

Your opponent was really chancing his luck with such a strange opening but as this is a Strategy game one must always expect the unexpected. Also well done for not going KKC as your second building. Far too many WM players these days, in the recent replays that I have been watching, fast tech after T1 to KKC and "spam" vet which leads to a less exciting game.
This post has been edited by djw2104: Aug 1 2014, 08:32 AM
#5MoreLuckPlease  Aug 2 2014, 13:01 PM -
Replays: 258 Game:
epic job on this aggressor kid^^ wub
#6Boogem  Aug 3 2014, 13:10 PM -
Replays: 72 Game:
Both as bad as each other for the trash talk. Ruins it. Would have been nice if not.
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