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Battle for Middle Earth

B2P|SormBlue Vs B2P|Urza

#1Urza  Nov 20 2006, 21:35 PM -

this is another rohan vs isengard.
i hope StormBlue doesn't mind that i
post it, i think it's a very nice replay.

in the first half of the match, he owned me
and had full map control.
then i made a surprising attack and turned the
game around when i thought i had already lost. biggrin.gif

it's not a long match, but worth to watch for many rohans imo

#2general grievous^  Nov 20 2006, 22:20 PM -
Edited replay title for you smile.gif
#3Urza  Nov 20 2006, 23:01 PM -
#4DunedainStriker  Nov 26 2006, 02:48 AM -
#5DunedainStriker  Nov 26 2006, 15:01 PM -
B2P|Urza(Rohan) vs. B2P|StormBlue(Isengard)
Fords of Isen
Top: Urza
Bottom: StormBlue


Start BO: 2 farms > merry

PP Progression: draft > heal > elves > andruil > ents

Strategy: Merry > Rohirrim > Upgrades > Aragorn > Theoden > Ents

Creeps: 4/6

*good creeping
*hobbit drol.gif
*good micro vs. wargs (zig-zaged to avoid palantir)
*absolutely great rushes
*great summons

*trampled in wedge
*trampled pikes early and lost a battalion wacko.gif
*a little sloppy micro at the end

This was a great game from you. You had a few mistakes but you had generally good micro, and you really played well. Trample in line formation for the extra armor bonus. Also, try to keep a better eye on your rohirrim, as you let them run over pikes early. As a general rule: dont fight FU pikes with Rohrirrim, although somehow you managed to get it to work out ok. Good game and good luck in the future!

B2P|Urza Overall Score: 7-


Start BO: Pit > 2 mills

PP Progression: WC > Industry > Rain

Strategy: Uruks > XBows > Pikes > Zerks > Wargs > Upgrades > Lurtz

Creeps: 2/6

*fast, fast, fast pikes thumb.gif
*stole creep $
*had a good start, killed alot of peasants, and took down his farms

*you need upgrades out to your pikes faster, especially to the bats on his side of the map, they died to Rohirrim wacko.gif
*keep a better eye on your wargs, you lost some to Knights when you should have retreated

Overall, you didn't have to bad a game. You had a great start, and fast pikes. Your only real mistakes were not getting ups to your pikes on his side of the map faster, and you need to keep a better eye on your wargs. Other than that, you had a good game, but those rushes were great. You got pikes back at base asap, but his elf summons really did you in there. Good game, unlucky result, and good luck in the future!

B2P|StormBlue Overall Score: 6

Wow, this was a good game. Both players played well with only a few mistakes. Had Urza lost a few less Rohirrim he might have earned an 8 for a score. Was a good game to watch, especially for younger players. Rather entertaining.

Overall Score: 7/10
Entertainment Value: 6/10

RotW Contender

Promoted to silver.

Done under new reviewing standards.
This post has been edited by Rise of Dunedain: Nov 26 2006, 15:03 PM
#6Urza  Nov 26 2006, 19:29 PM -
wow thx for the nice review and silver banana.gif

i think this is the briefest silver replay ever laugh.gif
This post has been edited by Urza: Nov 26 2006, 19:31 PM
#7Mavs  Nov 26 2006, 22:09 PM -
If he knew he would laugh till death laugh.gif
#8StormBlue  Nov 29 2006, 19:01 PM -

This cant be true!!!! I am a isen noob.

This game i played this matchup isen rohan the 2 time LOL

#9x.mitten  Dec 3 2006, 20:21 PM -
Replays: 9 Game:
storm´s isen get silver ???
i can say he really earned it
even if he says he is a isen nub
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