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Battle for Middle Earth

[GTFC]StoneLord vs {UTC}rordLogan

#11tomac  Apr 28 2006, 14:05 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
mine (sorry you've waited that long)
#12tomac  Apr 29 2006, 16:01 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
Do it tomorrow, because today we had in holland 'queen day' or whatever in english biggrin.gif
#13tomac  Apr 30 2006, 19:23 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
© tomac

[GTFC]StoneLord vs {UTC}rordLogan

Version > 1.03
Map > Fords of Isen
Races > Mordor & Rohan

Player 1 > [GTFC]StoneLord

Starting BO > orc pit ~ 2 mills ~ SH ~ haradrim palace ~ 5 SH ~ troll cage
Strategy > orc spam ~ haradrim ~ rhuns ~ trolls + drums whole time ~ WK
PP progression > eye ~ TL ~ industry ~ darkness ~ balrog


+ used formations of harads
+ creeping
+ extra labourers
+ eating orc to heal troll
+ spreading of early towers
+ scouting
+ killed a horse squad (4 in it) with only one harad n1qshok.gif
+ killed his legolas early game
+ sneaky second TL which he didn't cancel right away
+ good troll raids
+ some nice high ranked trolls
+ distracted his army of his EW at the second attack


- destroyed your first SH (which was at highest level) to make troll cage
- got your first TL canceled
- another wrong placement of TL (now he had EW to fight on)
- pretty poor harassment
- always went with all your trolls to kill his harassing horses
- let his horse squad live with only 1 attack needed

Player summary

Very good game by you. You had a stable economy although didn;t had MC, but had a OP with 3 furnaces whole the time. You just let him come to attack you, you just made a big army and waited till the right moment to attack. The second attack very smart distraction of his army away from his EW. You TL use was pretty bad, but you didn't had much problems with that. You had the right strat and played very smart. Very good use of ultimate LD with darkness, eye and some drums. Maybe you could go for faster nazgul, because then you could counter his horses which were constantly harassing you. When you were chasing a horse squad you stopped when he had 2 horses left. Maybe you thought his army would come and that was true, but I think you would succeed. Not a very bad choice, just save. Overall you played really save and did everything at the best moment. You use mordor ultimately; just let your enemy attack and strike back when it's possible for sure. Because after he lost all his heroes, you had still much trolls, so you could easuly end the game. Very nice play dude.

Player rating 8

Player 2 > {UTC}rordLogan

Starting BO > 2 IF ~ 2 OF ~ 1 IF ~ stable
Strategy > extra peasants ~ horses ~ RAs ~ horse squad ~ legolas ~ upgrades ~ yeoman ~ aragorn ~ theo ~ elves + yeoman ~ RAs
PP progression > draft ~ heal ~ EW ~ anduril ~ CB


+ almost correct formations
+ creeping with peasants (crept overall 4/6)
+ harassment thum.gif
+ combined army
+ switching strats (first yeoman + RAs, then yeoman + elves, then only RAs)
+ canceled his TL
+ destroyed lower OP with help of peasants to counter his rhuns
+ used much legolas's train archer ability
+ good CB use
+ overall nice horse micro


- lost horse squad early game ( blink.gif they all died to one harad)
- killed 2 times only 1 orc with HS of legolas (also should have died if the troll wasn't bugged)
- never actually touched his upper OP
- didn't cancel his 2nd TL
- didn't spread your army
- lost much heros
- did ara's own heal and right after that your heal PP, so the first one was useless
- lost horse squad after 2nd attack when you were not watching at it
- GC in your base (you could have waited till it was recharged)

Player summary

You had a very good opponent. You tried your best and you did it really good. You crept well and harassed really good whole game. You had some little mistakes and some luck with TL too. The first attack was really weak, but the second was already better, but spread your army, so you don't lose all your units after one troll hits your army. I don't know for sure if you did this or not: put all your units on different keys and every squad should shoot on a troll. Your were switching between units after fights to try other methods. I think you had really a good chance if you had GC on your RAs, because you also had CB. That was really a pity. It was very entertaining to watch the fights. A bit boring between the fights, but you harassed so there was constantly action. You were both 2 very good players and it was really nice to see.

Player rating 7

Entertainment rating 7

Overall rating 7

Promoted to SILVER
RotW contender
#14tomac  Apr 30 2006, 19:25 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
congrats guys tongue.gif
#15Major  Apr 30 2006, 21:16 PM -
stonelord ftw!
#16StoneLord  Apr 30 2006, 21:58 PM -
Replays: 15 Game:
Thanks for the review tomac. thumb.gif

Although imo you rated a bit too highly. I made big mistakes with TL yet I got 8. post-13661-1143531603.gif
#17tomac  May 1 2006, 08:03 AM -
Replays: 11 Game:
yeah, but it's only one mistake, further on you played very good
#18Veermarck  Sep 19 2006, 12:54 PM -
Replays: 37 Game:
Very entertaining game. Stonelord should have finished it way sooner. He didn't harras enough after he killed Rohan's army first time. Should have spread trolls around the map and killed Rohan economy.

I've been playing mordor a lot and have 2 replays posted now. If I see this game and Stonelord has 8, I need a 5 or a 6. I have far less cash and unit floating, but Stonelord is way better in little things.

I'm curious at my rating now, since now I realise I'm pretty good. (Stonelord is the best mordor of 1.03 right?)

Oh and Rohan had 8000 at second attack and no ents. Ents are good against trolls. He could have taken out a few with the ents. No naz or fire or catas so... Maybe even get that Ent summon to. Then you have 8 ents, heroes and shitload of fire. Then maybe you stand a chance against trolls with full LD.

Great game and excellent watch. Stonelord even teaches people things 'post-mortem'.
#19Peanut05  Sep 21 2006, 18:38 PM -
Replays: 1
Remember that this replay is from april and strats showed are probably a bit outdated. Stonelord used to be the best mordor but has been inactive for some months now...
#20Veermarck  Oct 1 2006, 22:19 PM -
Replays: 37 Game:
Yes, I played a great rohan player lately and got bashed. So yeah it all seems easier when viewing stuff in replay.
This post has been edited by bojahu: Oct 1 2006, 22:20 PM
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