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Battle for Middle Earth

Hero Vs Osarie

#1HERO  Apr 24 2005, 16:39 PM -
Osarie's one of the top Gondors on BfME. After talking over some strats on how to stop the new Mordor with Gondor, we decided to play a series of games. This is the last of the 3 we played. Hope you like it.

I present to you:

[EPIC]HERO(Mordor) vs Osarie(Gondor) on Fords of Isen.
This post has been edited by Angra: May 8 2005, 13:10 PM
#2Mithrandir  Apr 24 2005, 17:16 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
So you finally got someone to play ur Mordor yesterday huh wink.gif
#3HERO  Apr 24 2005, 17:17 PM -
Well.. yeah..

But this was this morning biggrin.gif
#4Angra  Apr 24 2005, 19:00 PM -

user posted imageHerouser posted image

smile.gif Good use of trolls overall. Healed them whenever they reached the 50% HP point. Used them to defend the catapults from gandalf + knights
smile.gif Countered his elven wood
smile.gif Fast nazgul
w00t.gif demolished 3 SH for furnace = cheaper catapults(480). The trolls will be 1080 but i you'll save more money in the long run. (im gonna do this next time tongue.gif)
smile.gif Good Nazgul usage. Died couple times but can't be avoided once Gandalf reaches rank 6
smile.gif Nice cata/Troll siege
smile.gif Used all the Leadership to powerup your trolls and orcs

sad.gif Bad use of Gollum. Tried to take on the hobbit 1v1 without any orc support
sad.gif You had 2 trolls standing next to the cage during the naz/troll siege. I think you could've taken out 1-2 walls down with them
sad.gif i think you could've finished him off with fast mumakills. He got stoneworker and the tower upgrade but without the HP upgrade, the castle is very vulnerable to muma siege. Muma w/ eye can takeout a tower with only 2 hits.

-command/micro = 8
-strategy = 8.5
-overall player rating = Very Good


user posted imageOsarieuser posted image

smile.gif Good use of the Hobbit overall.
smile.gif fast tower upgrade to prevent the early rush. But against a good mordor player, getting stoneworker is an automatic loss, if you don't upgrade both towers and HP.
smile.gif marketplace
smile.gif Good use of cavalry. You only had 1 knight battallion and they survived for like 30 minutes.
smile.gif Great Gandalf micro.

sad.gif used elven woods first
sad.gif when you rushed his base with your soldiers, you should've killed his laborers first and then kill the lumbermill.
sad.gif You got archers. I think thats a bad idea, considering you didn't have any BS to cheapen the price of the fire upgrade.(800 resources). Instead, more cavalry would've been better.
sad.gif no BS
sad.gif Should've picked rohirrim, not elves
sad.gif you should've used faramir and pippin to defend against the early troll rush. Instead you used only faramir

-command/micro = 8.5
-strategy = 6.5
-overall player rating = Very Good


i may be wrong but i think the best way to counter the new mordor is by getting 1 battallion of knights, faramir, and then save the money for gandalf. If you go fast stoneworker, it'll give mordor time to build an army to siege = loss. If you get 3 knights w/ shield and try to rush his base, you'll fail and will loose the game because you won't have any money left. Fast archers, not gonna work because good mordor player will use gollum to scout the base. Without knights, mordor can just do the orc/hara/ram rush and end it quickly. Well, if anyone has a good gondor strategy against mordor please share it with us in the gondor strategy forum. thank you.

overall entertainment = 7
balance = 5
overall skill rating = 8

overall game rating = 7

Replay Promoted toSILVER

+Both played very well.
+entertaining(non stop action w00t.gif)

GG guys smile.gif
This post has been edited by Angra: Apr 24 2005, 19:54 PM
#5Tw33Ty  Apr 24 2005, 20:15 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
Hi EA.

ok so mordor won, but played... HEH.

start off troll rush was good, but not good enough, after he gets faramir hes not getting anything else, no need to rush so fast, get 2 trolls and attack at complete oposite sides of the castle at the same time, no way in hell hes gonna stop both. but hes probly not gonna lose cause of just 1 whole in the wall anyway.

went mass catapults with trolls, wow, thats nice cause he won with that... but it could still EASILY be better.
you, like ALL mordors for some reason have the money and command points to attack from both sides of the castle yet you DONT, so u end of cash floating for no reason. Gondor could maybe stop 1 side (he didnt this time) but 2 sides, NO WAY IN HELL!

also, NO MUMAKILLS? they own gondor so bad its not even funny, the only thing that could stop them is mass fire archers who could easily get owned by catapults, so basicly nothing can stop them, cause u need to buy 4 completly useless archer groups before at 300$, then fire archer upgrade so thats 2400$ before even getting units that might be able to do something, then u need alot more then just 1 group + fire upgrade on each, theres no way in hell thats gonna work.

besides that gondor made 1 error, 1 getting archers at all, they suck and are completly useless if they dont get mumakills and mostly cause of mass catapults, then he upgraded the absolutly horable gondor archers with fire upgrades, even worse of an idea, those archers are so bad they have trouble (4 groups together) to beat a troll with fire upgrades, thats how pitiful they are.

overall mordor won and played OK. imagine if he played GREAT? ya, thats what i thought, GG, EA, thx for nothing.
#6Badboykilla  Apr 24 2005, 21:17 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Erm im not sure this is Silver material. I thought Gondor played really poorly. And although Hero lost a couple of Guls and a few Cata's, this game was a one sided demolition. I think that if your opponent doesn't even manage to attack your base once, then the game was a one-sided affair. Sure it's hard for Gondor Vs Mordor but normally, the most aggressive player wins. And Osarie done nothing more than delay the inevitable. I don't intend any offence to either players in this replay, but as TW3TTY pointed out in a more subtle manner, a slightly better Gondor player would have put up a much harder fight and perhaps even taken the fight to Mordor. Bronze would be a fair.
By the way i am aware that it is normal in Gondor Vs Mordor matches for Mordor to have the early ascendancy, but only getting one Bat of Knights out is not wise. You can't let Mordor get into their stride and own the map.
This post has been edited by Badboykilla: Apr 24 2005, 21:18 PM
#7number6ofthe6beast6  Apr 24 2005, 21:44 PM -
Replays: 16 Game:
Yes but even if he had destroyed some of the mordor lumber camps it still wouldnt have made a difference. He just wasted so many resources on nothing that he practically BOUGHT his way OUT of the battle.

Such a pitiful fight. u0udiablo.gif

One sided. frusty.gif

Bronze at the most. thumb.gif
This post has been edited by number6ofthe6beast6: Apr 24 2005, 21:46 PM
#8HERO  Apr 24 2005, 21:46 PM -
Strategy my friends. It's all about strategy and how you deal with it.

I harrassed and delayed well enough but he still managed to get stoneworker with Numenor arrow upgrade, seconds before my attack at it. With Numenor arrows, Mumakil is very risky. One of these beasts go down and Gondor gets 1/2 of a PP bar. Mass Catapults on non-numenor walls tear them down in seconds. If he would have gotten wall upgrades, I would of went Mumakil. If he didnt get ANY upgrades, I would of gotten Mumakil. I counter-strategized accordingly and thats what you people fail to see.

You guys don't understand. I will tell you from the Gondor perspective since I am also a Gondor player. A top one at that. You make horses, and get shields, you will lose. Why? Cause your so far back in money that Numenor/arrow upgrades are out of the question. Osarie and I played 3 games. We tested 3 different strats against Mordor. This one, being the safest of all of them. The others one just delayed Gondor's chances at the inevitable. Once Mumakils are out, if Gondor havent prepared for them, Gondor is dead. Period. End of story. Numenor arrows is the only thing he could of done. If I continued with mass Muma, boom pops 4 more towers and I feed Gondor some nice summoning skills. Nothx.

That's why as soon as I saw Gondor prepared for Mumakil arrows, I changed my strategy up and got Catapults with mass trolls. No chances for him to bring down my Muma, because I dont have any. No chances for Gondor to gather the PP for their uber summons. If I lose Muma, I lose PP. How fast do you think Mumakil will go down to a base full of Numenor arrows. I will lose 4-6 Muma before downing half of his base, and by that time Gondor will have power points for Eagles. GG.

Gondor cant help Mordor taking the map. I'm sorry but this is the truth. Once Nazgul fly out, any Knights that leave the base more than 100 feet die. They'll never return home. Nazgul are there for a reason. One reason is to prevent mid game harrassment, and another is to bait Gandalf into Istari animation. How many times did his Gandalf flee with a sliver of HP. If my trolls didnt go retard mode half the time I would of killed Gandalf in 3 different occasions. Instead my trolls run up to him and pause instead of bashing in brains in.

I couldnt attack from both sides. I was max pop limit with trolls and cata. I'd also like to mention that Osarie laughed at me when I didn't make Muma. Troll + Cata is only weak to a Gondor's superior micro, and in this case, it was certainly not the case. Osarie expected Mumakils and prepared with fire archers, but the Mumakils never came. Tough when Mordor can counter-strategize so fast.
This post has been edited by HERO: Apr 24 2005, 22:16 PM
#9HERO  Apr 24 2005, 21:49 PM -
QUOTE(number6ofthe6beast6 @ Apr 24 2005, 05:44 PM)
One sided.   frusty.gif  

You're god damn right it's one sided. That's what EA turned Gondor into when facing Mordor.
This post has been edited by HERO: Apr 24 2005, 22:17 PM
#10Tw33Ty  Apr 24 2005, 22:24 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
mordor is 1 sided against any faction, not just gondor.
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