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Battle for Middle Earth

HFD|robbe(Isen) vs. GRIM|ars3n4L(Rohan)

#1DunedainStriker  Feb 19 2007, 16:07 PM -
Link to the original thread

Review by: Daemon

Starting positions:
HFD|robbe - West
GRIM|ars3n4l - East


A good start by both players until Rohan opens the castle gates to let some impending Rohirim out and two passing uruks batallions take the opportunity to nip into the castle to cause mayhem for 15 minutes and distract Rohan. From then on Isengard presses it's advantage but Rohan begins a spirited fightback with hit and run raids on Isengards camp before building up a force capable of finally confronting Isengard toe-to-toe. Then, just as you think the pendulum has swung you see the closest finish you will ever see in a game with Rohan fighting to take the Isengard campafter losing their own castle to the Balrog. Just as Rohan destroys the Isengard camp and has 5022 resources Isengard destroys the last Rohan outpost. Rohan lost this game by 22 resources and about 5 seconds.

Normally I would rate this a definite solid 7 and a Silver replay, definite RotW contender. Because this replay is so entertaining I am also going to put it up for a Gold poll.


A good start, fast extra mill workers, aggressive defence and a quick expansion. You took the opportunity to raid the Rohan castle and cause trouble and distraction and it worked but somehow you just failed to press your advantage. Using land was a mistake but it was possibly a gamble worth taking at that stage in the game. Rohan had just used the elven allies summons so they had poured a lot of PP's into not getting EW and using TL was a calculated risk. Using it the second time was just a plain mistake.

Micro was OK, nothing particularly special. You should trample with the wargs in line formation for the armour bonus and you should probably hold Saruman back a bit more because he did tend to wander about infront of the troops a bit. Your balrog micro wasn't perfect but it did the job, luckily Rohan castles are easier than Gondor one's.

Points for Improvement
  • Trample in line formation with wargs.
  • Somtimes weren't producing reinforcement troops whilst your existing army was in battle. This delays the rearming and wastes some time.
  • Consider using carnage a bit more after a pin, especially of Theoden.

A good start, some aggressive harassment with peasants and you even managed to get a mill down. I think it was just a bit of bad luck that led you to open the castle door to let the impending Rohirim out quickly just as two uruks batallions were passing. You probably should have made some peasants faster to take the uruks instead of spending 15 minutes diverting your Rohirim into and out of the castle.

You managed to lose a few Rohirim needlesly. One bat was killed by wargs at the second last creep and when you first G.C.'ed and charged at the ballista there was room enough to go around the side and back of the pike formations instead of straight through them. You also lost Rohirim in another charge when you had Heal recharged and could have saved them. You can also attack when the uruks are crossing the ford because the AI pathing tends to put the ballistas on an exposed flank and it is easier to attack them unless Isen is really on the ball.

You didn't use the EW very much when attacking the Isen camp. You had some land just outside the Isen camp but you always attacked standing just next to it instead of sitting right on it. Given that the extra armour bonus would have allowed more of your troops to survive and therefore do a bit more damage, those extra few seconds might have turned a loss here into a win.

Points for Improvement
  • Use the EW to attack from if it is available.
  • Heroes had a tendency to go running off at the enemy and almost out of leadership range.
  • Don't be so keen to charge Rohirim straight into pikes when there are openings on the flanks.

Overall Rating:

This post has been edited by DunedainStriker: Feb 19 2007, 16:11 PM
#2DunedainStriker  Feb 19 2007, 16:11 PM -
Congratz Tucke and Gerr smile.gif
#3FelLbEasT'  Feb 19 2007, 16:18 PM -
this was so not worth gold.
#4esa|TurtleTucke  Feb 19 2007, 17:53 PM -
Replays: 43 Game:
Jesus hes everywhere...wacko.gif
Thnx Dunedain smile.gif
#5Ferk^KinG  Feb 23 2007, 05:08 AM -
Replays: 25 Game:
wow...what a come back by gerrard...very impressive...gg guys
#6whersmyspacebar  Feb 27 2007, 09:01 AM -
I watched it and Garrard y did u go 2 horse archers cause they were getting smashed i thought combos and elves would have helped alot more. Very good game tho.
#7esa|TurtleTucke  Feb 28 2007, 02:42 AM -
Replays: 43 Game:
RA's are hero killers in late game...remember..GC...tongue.gif
#8Gerrard  Feb 28 2007, 04:52 AM -
Replays: 31 Game:
QUOTE(whersmyspacebar @ Feb 27 2007, 09:01 AM) *

I watched it and Garrard y did u go 2 horse archers cause they were getting smashed i thought combos and elves would have helped alot more. Very good game tho.

because i had glory charge, and gave me some map control back. not 2 mention they were alot better at hit and runs on isens base. Also by that point i had no intention of fighting isens army, i had aod, so after casting that the plan was 2 finish isen with aragorn + theo/ra + ent summon.
This post has been edited by G3RRARD: Feb 28 2007, 04:59 AM
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