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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] ]cO[ vs FtG !

#11purpose  Feb 12 2007, 14:39 PM -
Well since I watched it, what the hell. Sorry its not very good review, I been away from the game for to long, but at least its something biggrin.gif

Review by: purpose

Starting positions:
cO|McFlurrY / cO|Sn0tTyBrAt /Team1 - West
FtG|Ninja / FtG|ViXeN /Team4 - East

Overview: Alot off big battles and fun action, but also very repetative. Adaptation could have been made to try and change the outcome, but neither team did it, at least not until late game. Isen perhaps should have tried siege and not as many pike combos. For Gondor Mordor, earlier TGs would have made wonder vs the wargs.

cO|McFlurrY (Isengard) / cO|Sn0tTyBrAt (Isengard)

Your early game was good, you managed to harass them abit and dident take to much damage at your own mills. However, I dont think it was the best move for grey Isen to go for fast lurtz and Saruman. In those early battles, more units, wargs or siege would have done a much bigger impact. The wargs did a very good job getting to those catas, but you lost almost all everythime and it was then up to the combos to fight both the trolls and the Gondor combos. Gondor who kinda went away from horses to get more combos. This should have made you go for more uruk+crossbow comobs and perhaps only 2 pikes, instead off pike+xbow comobs, since they arent as good vs other combos. In the end, there mixed army was to much for you, since it costed way to much to take the catas out. The balrog use was very good though and made the game abit longer then it should. Perhaps some ballistas could have been good for you. you had the chans early game to push them harder, but when the wargs was out, you attacked to offensvie with only combos. mordor eco was to good for only the comobos to handle the new catas that came.
    Points for Improvement
  • At times you lost heros sloppy
  • Adaptation could have been better.
FtG|Ninja (Mordor) / FtG|ViXeN (Gondor)

You manage to protect ok early game vs the Isen rush, since one off them went 2furn start. Early game you lost most battles due to the fact that your army was to close together. Trolls protection catas, died to combos and the warg took the catas. The turning point was when you had more trolls then the Isen combos could handle. You came out on top and could start pushing them back. You saw the pattern from Isen, and I think 2-3TGs guarding the catas could have made it impossible for the wargs to attack. That or simply mass trolls. If the combos move in first, its hard for ISen combos to survie when the trolls come rushing. You lost heros abit sloppy at times, like when Boromir was out chasing Saruman to far away from home. In the end, you used the better matchup to slowly take them out and finish the game.
    Points for Improvement
  • Keep more track on the heros
  • Adaptation could have been better, more TGs to guard the catas, and keep them out of fire range
  • Late game, dont clump the army, when you havent seen Balrog for a while. you beggin for it to be cast on top.
Overall Rating: 6
#12Blueb1rd  Feb 12 2007, 14:52 PM -
ty for review
#13esa|TurtleTucke  Feb 12 2007, 15:26 PM -
Replays: 43 Game:
Thnx purpose !! gd review smile.gif
#14purpose  Feb 12 2007, 15:37 PM -
Well I know I missed that part about saruman. Mike informed about that. Seem I arent really up on how to play double Isen post-13661-1143531603.gif

Ohh thsi should be RoTW contender by the way. I move it soon.
This post has been edited by purpose: Feb 12 2007, 15:38 PM
#15LiGhT`  Feb 12 2007, 16:23 PM -
Thnx purpose pro wub.gif
#16PlaTy  Mar 2 2007, 14:37 PM -
Trebuchets win this Mu in favour of Gondor/Mordor right, or iam I wrong?
#17Blueb1rd  Mar 2 2007, 15:06 PM -
Wrong, i can't do shit with my catas when i have no LD to defend them cos wargs just run up and take all of them down, trolls do hardly any damage and i won't even mention combos.
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