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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] Isen & Rohan vs Gondor & Rohan

#1Daemon  Apr 12 2006, 17:32 PM -
I was smurfing about and got involved in this 2v2 CM which turned out to be quite interesteing. I was Isen.

My Isen camp got raided, although not particularly badly, my partner's Rohan castle got completely destroyed but we had the centre. Then is started getting interesting.

It felt quite good to play in the match so I would like a review. I had some good pins and kills with Lurtz, getting Aragorn and Gandalf. Felt good.
#2ojorojo  Apr 14 2006, 06:42 AM -
Replays: 11 Game:
i think that there are many important moments ,in this game cool2.gif lurth kill 2 gandys thum.gif 2 lego 2 gandys and 2 eagles with only hit very near of the dead banana.gif and guargs killed Aragon . tongue.gif and very good team work.
#3ojorojo  Apr 16 2006, 09:29 AM -
Replays: 11 Game:
the first question in this game for pro players is............... eyebrow.gif

do you think get entmoot was good tatic for lowboy? whistling.gif

i would like that you say your opinion thx thum.gif
#4Daemon  Apr 16 2006, 09:51 AM -
QUOTE(ojorojo @ Apr 16 2006, 10:29 AM) *

the first question in this game for pro players is............... eyebrow.gif
do you think get entmoot was good tatic for lowboy? whistling.gif
i would like that you say your opinion thx thum.gif

It was a good tactic in as much as they took the Rohan castle down only because of the ents and it bought them time. They ent mooted at exactly the right time as well because we were very low on troops and quite vulnerable. If you saw all the Isengard forces that came to help repel the ents then it wasn't much and it left me very vulnerable. But normally I wouldn't ent moot if my opponent has fire or might get Aragorn. It just feeds PP's to the enemy. But what could they do? We held the centre and their best bet was a flank attack.

However as far as Lurtz micro and troop deployment went that day I think I was having a good day as Isen. Most of the stuff I did seemed to work out right and Lurtz micro worked very well. I always get wargs in 2v2 now. They are just too damn useful.
#5ojorojo  Apr 16 2006, 10:06 AM -
Replays: 11 Game:
yes ,when i did get the middle i dont have money for aragon or yeomen fire but if he get entmoot 2 minuts after or before it should been bad bad tactic,are you indeed? eyebrow.gif
#6Axcell  Apr 18 2006, 07:09 AM -
#7Axcell  Apr 20 2006, 15:00 PM -
ojorojo & [HELP]Muppet


lowboy & bullichecktSV12

Version: 1.03

Map: Anorien
Matchup: Rohan | Isengard vs Rohan | Gondor

Saved as: Isen_Rohan_x_Gondor_Rohan
Date of play: 12-4-2006

Team 1: ojorojo and [HELP]Muppet

ojorojo (Rohan)

Starting BO: 2 farms in, Merry, 1 farm out
Strat: extra peasents-> rohirrim + Theoden-> Legolas-> middle, yeoman + fire-> castle-> entmoot
PP: Draft - Heal - EW - Elves

[HELP]Muppet (Isengard)

Starting BO: 2 furns, 1 mill
Strat: uruk, 2xbows-> ups + Lurtz-> wargs-> mixed army-> Saruman-> castle
PP: WC - Palantir - Industry - Rain - TL


smile.gif Isengard 3 mills
smile.gif Extra laborers
smile.gif Mixed army
smile.gif Rain when attacking
smile.gif Good harassing
smile.gif Used arrow rain on Gandalf


sad.gif Missed a chance to kill Faramir
sad.gif Theoden got killed by an ent 0wn3d.gif
sad.gif Unprotected xbows
sad.gif Sent full attack force in Gondor castle with laser towers ohmy.gif
sad.gif Not always that good siege protection

You rushed them very well early on, although Gondor's Faramir had profit of those peasents coming along. Isen got a fast econ. Your succesful rush made you able to claim the middle. Then you guys got entmooted, which you could have seen. Because the enemy rohan didn't make anything. After the entmoot ojorojo got crippled and isen had to do it by himself, isen might have handed over some of isens mills to rohan earlier, but anyway you did it. You had no trouble from that point on. Wargs were able to kill Aragron, but he nearly esacaped because Lurtz didn't cripple him.

The power use was ok, I think. the formation use was done also ok, although isen could have changed the xbow setting to normal when his xbows got trampled.

Overall gameplay Team 1: 5

Team 2: lowboy and bullicheckSV12

lowboy (Rohan)

Starting BO: 2 farms in, 2 farms out
Strat: extra peasents-> saving money-> rohirrim-> entmoot-> Aragorn-> yeoman + elves
PP: Draft - Anduril - Heal

bullicheckSV12 (Gondor)

Starting BO: BS, farm in, Pippin, 2 farms out
Strat: Faramir-> knight-> FB-> Gandalf-> marketplace-> SW
PP: EW - Heal - GtW - Elves - Eagles


smile.gif Additional peasents for defending
smile.gif Retraeted lvl'ed soldiers
smile.gif Additional ents
smile.gif Destroyed Rohan castle


sad.gif 2 EW's next to eachother
sad.gif No Heal to help ally
sad.gif Gandalf, Faramir on suicide missions
sad.gif Didn't always get Aragorn in BM when he got attacked
sad.gif Knights without any armor
sad.gif kept placing EW
sad.gif Fighting on enemy EW
sad.gif Poor base raid

You better could have build up an army since your team has land advantage. You started with creeping, which let them put the pressure on your side. Entmoot could have come earlier, but it worked out good.

Furhter you had awful hero micro, you jsut send your hero's one by one at a time to them. You could haev build up an army, you had good LD. the lossing of your hero's made you unable to get any further, but then Again don't use hero's as an army.

Overall gameplay team 2: 3

It was clear to see which one was the better team, it was surprising that team 2 managed to destroy Rohan's castle, but from then on it was ownage. Not much battles since team 2 used mainly hero's. Deamon's ( [HELP]Muppet) suicide attack on gondor's base gave some extra entertainment thumb.gif .

Entertainment: 4
Team 1: 5
Team 2: 3

Game rating: An average 4
#8Daemon  Apr 20 2006, 16:21 PM -
Nice review, thanks.
#9ojorojo  Apr 20 2006, 16:31 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
i think that gondor used the suicide faramir to kill after lurth with gandi ,but he do not count with lego .
#10ojorojo  Apr 20 2006, 16:36 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
thx axcell good work.

only i can say to you that wink.gif you dont say something about the work team that for me was very good {team 1} wink.gif

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