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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] Double Rohan, Gondor mirror

#1Death_2_Them  Feb 25 2006, 17:14 PM -
Replays: 19 Game:
Went on a bit purely because I had 2 save up for two moots which sieged em both. hardly any map movment from either of the opposition, Rohan went elves and gondor went archers and l8 TG's. Only bad points I can see that we made were some careless moments where some horses walked into TG's dry.gif
This post has been edited by Daemonette: Feb 25 2006, 17:28 PM
#2Daemon  Feb 25 2006, 17:28 PM -
#3Daemon  Feb 25 2006, 19:06 PM -
lavm1990 (Rohan) & Sportakus (Gondor)


Commanche (Rohan) & Remithegreat (Gondor)

Map: West Emnet


lavm1990 (Rohan) & Sportakus (Gondor)

Strategy: Yeomen, Legolas, Elves & Archers, Faramir, Soldiers

thum.gif Used soldier formations.
thum.gif Faramir on the wall.

sad.gif Poor Merry & Pippin micro - at least run if someone is throwing rocks at you.
sad.gif Got and Outpost with only 3 buildings in the Gondor castle.
sad.gif Trapped Legolas outside his own castle door by closing it too early.
sad.gif Barracks for ages but didn't build soldiers.
sad.gif How do your heroes die - alone frusty.gif . Back them up.

Comments: Very little team work, no creeping, a BO for GOndor that would have HERO putting a gun to his head and ending it all right there. Don't get an outpost with three buildings in your own castle an nothing to defend the outpost with. This is nothing to do with 1.02 or 1.03 but just in general. Don't get territory that you have absolutely no chance of defending.

After that you built a Barracks that didn't get used until much later and you shouldn't build something that you don't yet have a use for. You could have built soldiers and archers and combined the formations which is a vaible strategy now but would be even better if you combined archers with Tower Guard. Tower Guard are now anti-cavalry so they would have done well against the opposing Knights. Faramir and Boromir should be used to provide a good suuplement but not used in isolation. They cannot kill 4 batallions of FU Knights on their own for instance as you appeared to think they could. If that ever happens again, run and pray.

There was no team defence of the Gondor castle. THe Elves could have slipped in through a postern gate and helped out.

Team Rating: 2


Commanche (Rohan) & Remithegreat (Gondor)

Strategy: Rohirim Archers, Leadership & Knights

thum.gif Good creeping, let Theoden get the last hit.
thum.gif Got GC.
thum.gif Soldier formations.
thum.gif Good land use late on.

sad.gif You don't need 3 wells between you. One will do and you can get Ents faster.
sad.gif Too many BS and farms in the GOndor castle to start with and no troop production.
sad.gif Poor Pippin micro - at least run if someone is throwing rocks at you.
sad.gif Left Theoden behind in the final Gondor castle assault.

Comments: It is very difficult to rate you either individually or as a team because the only fight that the other team put up was at the beginning. Basically it was a massive amount of ownage in anyone's book. Only the enemy Gondor put up any sort of resistance.

Your Knights would have been in serious trouble if the mass Tower Guard and archers had come out so watch out for them. As far as Gondor is concerned now Knights are not the panacea that they used to be. You still need some but don't pop cap out on them. They will get owned by pikes still or Tower Guard and Elves still pack a punch against them in the right formation.

Team Rating: 5


Match Comments

AN hour of your life you would definitely want back. Not even good enough as a demonstration of what not to do.

Entertainment value: 2

Overall game rating: 3

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