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Battle for Middle Earth

[R][Review]Rohan vs isen great game

#1(BH)ownage  Aug 16 2007, 11:47 AM -
Replays: 30 Game:
this was a gg i am isen i siege very quickly and gain some fast mc i got alot of flaming coming form my opponent by the end of the game who was calling me a noob coz he was losing so i thought i would post this rep smile.gif just to set things straight

Review by: Bravo cool2.gif

Starting Positions:
blacke_eyer010/Rohan - North
{BH}ownage/Isengard - South

This game was interesting in the begining but lots of mistakes done by blacke_eyer010/Rohan.{BH}ownage/Isengard had a good start in the game he managed to keep his oponent awey from his lumbermills which improved his economy so soon he filled up his command point with fully upgraded combo's u0udiablo.gif which Rohan was not able to counter so he quit the game.

You had a bad start in the game you went for quick creeps but you were'nt defending your farms. You lost three battalion of your pesents fighting with Uruk's, once if you see that he had used his warchant never fight against his units. You built almost 6-7 battalion's of pesents which was not necessory insted you could have gone for Rohirim. You also lost your first battalion of rohirim fighting two battalion of uruk's with warchant blink.gif . Avoid cash floating you had 950 before you built your stable. You had only 1 battalion of rohirim which is not sufficiant againt Isengard. In the maps like this i.e maps with more creeps always go for 2 rohirim and Theodin you can get your GC very fast. After you went for Combo's You didnt build Theodin. His LD will always makes difference in the battle. You lost your Aragon unnecessaryly in the first battle. Improve on your stratergy and micro.

Watch more Replays to improve your game. thumb.gif

You really played well in this game you had an excellent start and you went for quick combo's.
You could have goe for creeps a bit faster you had your upgrades faster than your oponent and you attacked your oponent first. You could have finished his entire army in the first attack itself because he didnot have his armour upgrade at that time and he did not have any LD. You sneeked a bomb on to his walls which changed the tide of the game thum.gif . You deserved to win this game thumb.gif ...

Mistakes / Things to improve:
• Go for faster creeps.
• Build more workers in lumber mills.
• Build more wargs.

Overall Rating: 4
This post has been edited by bravo_psg: Aug 24 2007, 10:11 AM
#2*T3rmin4L V*  Aug 16 2007, 20:35 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
tagged by me for tomorrow morning sleep.gif
#3general grievous^  Aug 16 2007, 21:33 PM -
No that's not how applying for RR works. You post one application review in the thread, and then you wait for me to get to it before you do your next review. I have 5 games to watch tonight for the ROTW contenders, and then I have other applicants waiting before you so you are going to have to just be patient.
#4(BH)ownage  Aug 17 2007, 06:11 AM -
Replays: 30 Game:
QUOTE(SToNe^CoLd @ Aug 16 2007, 21:33 PM) *

No that's not how applying for RR works. You post one application review in the thread, and then you wait for me to get to it before you do your next review. I have 5 games to watch tonight for the ROTW contenders, and then I have other applicants waiting before you so you are going to have to just be patient.

thats alright i didnt want a review tbh just wanted people to watch the replay but thanks anyway smile.gif you dont have to waste your time
#5*T3rmin4L V*  Aug 17 2007, 06:21 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
(SToNe^CoLd @ Aug 16 2007, 21:33 PM)

No that's not how applying for RR works. You post one application review in the thread, and then you wait for me to get to it before you do your next review. I have 5 games to watch tonight for the ROTW contenders, and then I have other applicants waiting before you so you are going to have to just be patient.

Oops sorry stone from what I saw i got the idea that ill have to review 3 and then ull see

anyway thanks for bringing the point into light

untagged then post-13661-1143531603.gif

#6bravo_psg  Aug 23 2007, 14:12 PM -
Replays: 12 Game:
Tagged smile.gif
#7bravo_psg  Aug 24 2007, 10:06 AM -
Replays: 12 Game:
Reviewed smile.gif
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