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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] [Review]Gamroth vs Thug

#1Gamroth  Apr 16 2007, 21:31 PM -
A nice game imo smile.gif worth a watch
a review plz tongue.gif

#2THUGZ  Apr 19 2007, 00:21 AM -
Replays: 36 Game:
#3GloriousCharge  Apr 20 2007, 18:39 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
Ok i observed abit of this game so if its alright with you two and light' ill take this as my final application review. smile.gif
#4THUGZ  Apr 20 2007, 20:52 PM -
Replays: 36 Game:
gogogo VeryFunny.gif
#5DinGDoNg^  Apr 21 2007, 11:15 AM -
Replays: 4
I wana see this one happy.gif
#6GloriousCharge  Apr 21 2007, 15:16 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
Review By: GloriousCharge

^S1N15T3R^ (Rohan) Vs. Gamroth (Isengard)

Starting Positions: ^S1N15T3R^ West, Gamroth East


An entertaining Rohan vs Isen which showed some interesting strategies and some entertatining battles. For most of the game i wasn't sure who was going to win as it was quite a stand off. However as soon as Isengard got rain it was over as once again i was reminded just how powerful that power point is.

^S1N15T3R^ (Rohan)

A failry nice game from you all in all. You chose to do the common thing by spamming a couple of extra peasents at the beggining but instead of harrassing you chose to creep with all 4. This was an OK decision but in my opinion its crucuial to try and harrass isengard at the beggining in order to prevent their economy taking off. You managed to get only half the money from creeping and ended up loosing your peasents failry quickly after that however you didn't loose your farms early on which was nice to see. When your horses came out you defended/creeped/harrased nicely showing good micro, one minor thing though is when you go to trample uruks instead of running over them its often better to press 's' and melee to prevent too much damage but im sure you know this.
You spammed a few peasents to try and keep the map which worked quite nicely however just make sure you don't fight pikes with undrafted peasents because you will loose. After up grades you harrased nicely and demonstrated how to melee pikes effectively with horses however you managed to loose a bat by trampling pikes so be careful with your horses as you know how valuable they are.
Your elf summons were nice and aggresive which is nice to see however i always tend to split elves up so as they can harras as many mills/batts as possible. You managed to build up a nice army of combos and elves but you lost another batt of horses to planatired wargs which only left you with one which you lost later as well. My advice to you is after your combos and a few elves knock your range for a stable and get some horses back on the map to annoy his ballistas and keep the map. You did put up another stable in the end but it was to slow and you didn't manage to get another batt out before you were sieged.
You were sensible around rain choosing not to engage the enemy when it was cast which is obviously wise and it was nice to see lego reach rank 4 and you used his training ability well.
Once rain came out for the second time you struggled to siege his base as he slowly took yours down which left you with one outpost and it was gg from then on. WP by you on the whole, gg smile.gif.

Thing to improve:

- Make an attempt to harrass Isengard early to hinder their economy.
- Be careful around pikes: High ranked horses are very valuable in this MU.
- Split your elves to make the best out of them.
- Make sure your peasents are always drafted before comabt otherwise their worthless.
- If you do loose horses get some more out ASAP to keep the map and harrass his siege.

Gamroth (Isengard)

A nice game from you as well. You weren't harrased early on which meant your uruks could go on the war path and you managed to succesfully kill a few peasents and steal a bit of creep money which helped you out, although you didnt manage to get his farms down, you got early pikes out and managed to creep nicely with your crossbow battalion and pikes. On a couple of occasions you were quite slow with your formations, i know theres alot to be watching on the map but a number of times horses were running into your loose pikes. Try your best to always have them in formation for maximum damage.
You used zerks and uruks nicely to deal with his peasents and managed to keep a constant spam of pikes for map control. You had most of the map for the majority of the game but on several occasions you had mills that were defended by upgraded pikes that had no labourers working at them which renders them useless. Just always try and make sure you have a decent amount of labourers at each mill.
You proceeded to get wargs after upgrades which worked well for you as you harrassed and hunted his horses very nicely. You showed very nice micro in your warg useage. As soon as you saw his Legolas you proceeded to get Lurtz which was the right thing to do however you didn't make a real effort to hunt him down. Just chase him around with a few pike batts and Lurtz and he's histroy.
When elves were cast you ran your pikes away which was nice and you managed to save quite a few battalions of Pikes and Wargs. You also used palantir nicely to hunt his horses down which proved beneficial as you killed a battalion of rohirrim. However when you started to siege you managed to butcher your own wargs with your ballistas, i know their difficult to control but just be carefull of friendly fire in the future. Also remeber to keep your ballistas at the back to stop them being destroyed easily by horses and other units. After that you used rain very effectively and managed to succesfully destroy and re-take his base without loosing yours. It was then a matter of getting your forces togather and attacking his outpost to seal the game, GG from you smile.gif.

Things to Improve:

- Always try and make sure your units are in formation for maximum impact.
- Always make sure your mills have labourers, sounds simple but whats the point otherwise tongue.gif?
- Be careful with your ballisats: try not to kill your own units and keep them at the back of your army.

Overall game rating (6)

This post has been edited by GloriousCharge: Apr 21 2007, 15:25 PM
#7Ang3lic  Apr 21 2007, 15:18 PM -

Replays: 5 Game:
nice review gc smile.gif
#8GloriousCharge  Apr 21 2007, 15:20 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
ty smile.gif
#9Gamroth  Apr 21 2007, 15:33 PM -
Cheers m8 biggrin.gif nice review thumb.gif
#10shaulin  Apr 21 2007, 15:57 PM -
QUOTE(GloriousCharge @ Apr 21 2007, 16:16 PM) *

i love the word choices biggrin.gif
Fave RR'er <3!
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