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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] [Review] Op^3 vs. xXx Good game

#1Luân^  Apr 9 2007, 21:13 PM -
Replays: 23 Game:
Ffs, can I get a FoL on my host please sad.gif .

Was good game. I think could've gone very differently if I had host.


Anyone mind if this for Gam to review?
This post has been edited by Luân^: Apr 9 2007, 21:16 PM
#2Gamroth  Apr 10 2007, 13:19 PM -
Mine! tongue.gif
#3Gamroth  Apr 13 2007, 10:55 AM -
Review by: Gamroth

Starting positions:
Isengard/[xXx]AfTeR|ifE - West
Gondor/{oP^3}JeNNy - East


An entertaining Gondor vs Isen, it was good play and good micro and is a good watch. Isens uruks managed to steal a creep from pippin early on and made good use of the money to set himself up. Isen built up a powerful army of combos and wargs and a fairly late siege while Gondors army had moved from his castle meant that he was able to take it. Gondor hung on and built his base back but it only took Balrog to bring down the half built castle again. GG Guys.


A nice game for you, a good performance on the whole and a deserved win. During an EW rush instead of focusing on one soldier batt, aim to kill one soldier batt from each so that he doesnt reach the EW with a full batt of soldiers. You should have more success this way. A nice creep steal the cash really benefited you, though i think WC was unneccessary and meant that you lost the other uruks easily when his knights went for them. Some good warg use throughout the game to compete for map control and hunt down his soldiers/knights. You were vulnerable to a base attack all game really so you need some towers early on and its always an idea to leave something that may be able to defend later on. Make sure you continue to pike spam into late game so that you can try and hold MC and make it difficult for him to take back. I would also recommend mixing up your army a bit as opposed to solely combos as this is very weak to trebs, also keep a watch on your command points as there was a point when you were unable to seige as you had too many units, still very good game, WP.
  • Aim to kill a soldier from each batt during EW rush
  • Some earlier towers, you were very vulnerable to base attacks
  • Continue pike spam into late game to hold MC
  • Unit mix a bit, an amry of solely combos is very vulnerable to trebs


You played a very nice game generally. Your micro, on the whole, was very good despite it being your opponents host - there were just a few slip ups that let you down (for example the loss of your first knights). It was nice to see that you made use of your earlier placed EWs - when wargs were chasing, you ran to the nearest EW. However i think you should look to make groups of TGs + soldiers to take and hold your MC during mid-game as you struggled to keep any outside farms during this period. If you are struggling for the PP for GtW it may be a safer bet to start making quicker combos and getting some earlier trebs, remember you can always make Gandalf later. You had a decent chance of winning all the way through this, i think that your one main mistake was trying to go on the offensive through the bottom instead of confronting his army/defending your base, and because of this you were unable to hold your castle and from then on you were really just delaying the ineveitable (although you did make a very good job of it).
  • make groups of TGs + soldiers to keep MC in mid game
  • try and use elven allies more offensively
  • if you dont have the PP for Gtw, better to aim for faster combos -> trebs
  • use your army to eliminate his before going on the attack

Overall Rating: 6
RotW Contender
#4THUGZ  Apr 14 2007, 12:53 PM -
Replays: 36 Game:
Nice Review thumb.gif
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