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Battle for Middle Earth

Mordor vs. Gondor

#1Apmn  Apr 13 2010, 21:01 PM -
Replays: 39 Game:
I've already posted this rep on mordor good replays topic but i think i should post also to there so more people can watch it.
#2MonksLodge  May 13 2010, 14:22 PM -
Replays: 3 Game:
Does this go to show that you HAVE to HS rush as Gondor vs Mordor? Also is building the archery range at an outpost too risky? forgive me if this is not a pro comment but I have played a while and always struggle as Gondor vs Mordor.
#3sueffkopp  May 16 2010, 16:12 PM -
Replays: 58 Game:
how can this rep have 7 wubs wacko.gif
This post has been edited by sueffkopp: May 16 2010, 16:13 PM
#4RaGe`  May 16 2010, 17:46 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
easy: 7 guys who have never posted in the forums suddenly show up and wub it
#5Replaysystem  May 23 2012, 15:47 PM -

Replays: 0
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