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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] Rohan Mirror

#1GloriousCharge  Dec 24 2006, 23:27 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
really fun to play, swang back and forth and suprising last battle

P.S i never post here now 2 in one day wacko.gif

wtf 64k it was much longer than this wacko.gif
This post has been edited by GloriousCharge: Dec 24 2006, 23:28 PM
#2acerrak  Dec 29 2006, 03:12 AM -
Replays: 16 Game:
Mine for review
#3acerrak  Dec 29 2006, 04:43 AM -
Replays: 16 Game:
Darkbull (Rohan) [attachmentid=184613] Vs aTillaThebun (Rohan)[attachmentid=184613]
Fangorn Forrest
Left Darkbull
Right Atilla

aTillaThebun (rohan)[attachmentid=184613]
B.O. 1 farm in 4 out > stables 2RH >Eomer Theo > ra's
P.P. draft > heal > Andurial > Land > elves
Creeps 5

+Good use of near by troll to kill darkbulls' peas unit and merry even though it cost you were farm
+Lvl 4 Eomer
+great creeping getting majority of creeps

- your to slow destroying farms that are being attacked, you demo them as soon as there attacked you get more money plus you dont give him any P.P. NOTE* because of this he got almost 2 P.P. from you this needs to be worked on.

- After first battle you both lost theo but he lost more troops, right there you should have dropped getting Aragon and droped a mot.. He had no way to defend from it and you could have taken down 4 walls and probably half the buildings in side and forced him to stay in his base.

- The last battle.. you charged your heros in and they died, they died before his and thus all that leadership went and so did your troops. Keep Ra's back with combos with theo , eomer and Aragon let horses charge in to draw fire wilst combos tear everythign up with Ra's

- Didnt even attempt to retreat any units even though your postern was right beside your men and you also ran eomer foolishing to his aragon and died in secons leaving you with nothing to Defend.

Reviewer Comments

You had this game won, but giving him power points with farms kept him almost on par with you even getting all those creeps, You should have droped the early mot this would have almost kept him tied to his base giving you the oppertunity to finish with ups and then get aragon while doing hit and runs at his base to keep him in check

Player Rating 5

Darkbull (Rohan)[attachmentid=184613]
B.O. 2 farms in 3 out stables 2 RH 1 Ra Theo.
P.P. Draft > Heal > EW > Andurial > elves
Creeps 3

+used first Ra to kill off one of his starting Rh
+getting Lvl 2 peasents killing one bat of peas and destroying farm, and taking 2 of his build spots
+used ents to throw rocks at his combos at the last battle

- Instead of 2 farms at start make one this way peasents are not waiting on cash to move to the next farm.. You lost a build plot this way

- attacking tht trol cage near the beginning I would have probably let your Theo finish it off to push him closer to Gc, but a level 3 bat of Ra,s is good 2 but Gc is better

-first battle you healed and ran and your Theo was at half life when you escaped, then suddenly you turned to fight though you killed his theo you lost yours and almost all your horses, should have went back for heal then went after him.

-You left both creeps troll and goblins below your base untouched and your apponant go them. what got me was you ran past them with theo and Ra's numerous times and never stoped.

Reviewer Comments

You got lucky, had a bad start and struggling some what with a a lvl 4 eomer and theo leadership, but your apponent wasnt to agressive and it gave you time to do what you needed, getting combos finishing ups and getting ot heros. Persistant harasment and the lack of him demoing his farms kept you pretty close on the P.P. tree even with out those creeps and when the main battle came You took out his hero's first and also used ents to help kill his combos. Good work

Player rating 5

Game Summary

A little back and fourth action at the start but atilla's rohan took off and jumped ahead getting a lvl 4 eomer and pushing darkbull back into his castle, but he got passive and small mistakes turned into big ones, exspecially not destroying his farms pretty much gave darkbull his andurial for aragon even after he picked Ew. Final match came The big battle we saw Darkbulls' rohan comming out on top with a very wise move of having ents help bombard combo's with rocks and the use of summon elves to pull out a close victory which won him this game.

Entertainment 5
OverAll score 5

#4GloriousCharge  Dec 30 2006, 00:24 AM -
Replays: 7 Game:
thankyou smile.gif
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