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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] Isen vs Gondor

#1PlaTy  Oct 12 2006, 17:24 PM -
This is me vs Entrazx
Atm iam trying to learn isen, because i feel my favourite (mordor) is just too weak early to fight gondor or rohan.
and altought i think i did do well, its was not enough.

I would like to know what i should have done, tips are most welcome.

A review is also apreciated

Thanks in advance


oh entraxz gg
This post has been edited by Platysoma: Oct 12 2006, 17:25 PM
#2LiGhT`  Oct 12 2006, 18:12 PM -
Axcell told me about this game, from what i heard you didnt too bad and he said you lasted a while. You should check out tommynts strat, if used well it owns. Or just download a rep played by another isen v gondor where isen won ohmy.gif Practice makes perfect tho mate wink.gif
#3PlaTy  Oct 12 2006, 18:16 PM -
Thank you Light, ill be sure to do that
#4k3anU  Oct 13 2006, 04:13 AM -
Replays: 46 Game:
i think ur B.O. in this game was off. i perfer 2 furn start against only gondor. this way i get my milz and if he gets one i will still be able to bounce back. then i can focus all my buyin into my pit to up to pikes.

not buying a few towers really hurt u. my rule of thumb is by the time i get pikes he will have horses. so i try and get 2 towers up then a third. and when i notice he has hs i will put up all my towers. 1 or 2 pikes on ur base with out towers is risky, and in this case the very reason y.

yeah i think tommynt's isen strats rock and i try to use them when ever i get isen.

#5LiGhT`  Oct 13 2006, 20:16 PM -
Even though im totally sick of seeing/playing this match up.... i wub.gif you so i will take it smile.gif
#6LiGhT`  Oct 14 2006, 18:50 PM -
|^Legend|VncT (Isengard) v Entraxz (Gondor)

Map - Fords of Isengard

|^Legend|VncT (Isengard)

BO- Pit, Furn, 2 mills

PP Selection- WC--> Industry--> Rain

Strat- Uruks--> X-Bows--> Pikes--> Zerks--> Lurtz--> Grades--> Outpost--> Seige--> Outpost--> Combos

smile.gif Got both of gondors farms down at the start
smile.gif Good unit spamming
smile.gif Sneak attack with ram
smile.gif Harassment
smile.gif Killed gandy twice

sad.gif No towers in castle for a long time - Lossed half your castle in the hs rush
sad.gif Cash floating
sad.gif Bought forged blades before heavy armour - only do this when playing v FoD
sad.gif Slow on pike formations alot
sad.gif Unit micro/macro

Comments- Your early game was pretty good, and you only lossed 1 mill while being able to take both of his down! You then got your pikes out fast enough to defend your mills but you were late on your formations several times allowing him to just trample over them relatively un-harmed. Once you had got your grades out, you desperately needed to get out some wargs, not only to help you defend your own mills against soldiers but also so you could harass his much faster and better. I absolutely loved your use of lurtz when you first bought the bottom outpost, very good timing to pin his fara and get back into the citadel before his WA. When it came to the larger battles you kinda screwed it up for yourself, you mainly focused everything you had on gandy and remained static, so that it was pretty simple for his trebs and units to demolish your army. This is another reason as to why wargs are good in this MU, they could of flanked around the back and took out his trebs then continued to attack his armies from all sides. You never had towers in your castle for 3/4 of the entire game, this resorted in you losing half your castle at one of the worsttimes possible. I still recommend that you check out tommynts new strat or maybe just check out a couple replays.

Rating- 5


Entraxz (Gondor)

BO- 2 farms in, Hobbit, 2 farms out

PP Selection- Land--> Heal--> Elves--> GTW--> Eagles--> AoD

Strat- Knights--> HS--> Boro--> Fara--> Soldiers--> Gandy--> Grades--> Outpost--> Combos--> Trebs--> Fire--> Rangers

smile.gif Sucessful early game rush
smile.gif Harassment
smile.gif Horse micro - escaped with 1 knight at times, but never lossed an entire bat
smile.gif Excellent HS rush - took over half his castle numchuks.gif

sad.gif Kept stable after you got HS for a while
sad.gif Trampled in wedge a few times
sad.gif Cash floating
sad.gif Hero micro

Comments- Your early game wasnt bad at all, but once you had took his mill down you should of remained on your land with soldiers, forcing him to buy X-bows earlier then he would of liked. You then got your knights out and harassed his econ well and crept across the map well but you were only able to take 3 of the 6 creeps, where as you should of got more considering he didnt have wargs out. Your HS attack were amazing, and you constantly harassed his castle and you took out over half of it in the first attack w00t.gif Your hero micro does need a touch up though, you lossed faramir very easily and then lossed gandalf twice. Once you had took the northern outpost and began to make your combos and trebs it was certainly over and once you got the full gondor leadership i couldnt see what he could of done to stop you.

Rating- 6

Final Comments

Pretty good game to see, both players knew the basics of this match up, but with gondor having the little more knowledge of what to do. Isen put up a good fight, but with some small mistakes and a couple big ones, it made it extremely hard for him to hold the final battle.

Overall Rating- 6
Entertainment- 4

#7tommynt  Oct 14 2006, 18:56 PM -
Replays: 23
Towers dont save u from HS rush, but masspikes and some wargs do!

Dont stop spamming pikes!
#8PlaTy  Oct 14 2006, 19:55 PM -
Thanks light, very nice review wub.gif

True tommy v true, ive downloaded alot of your reps
ill watch them soon tongue.gif
#9k3anU  Oct 15 2006, 00:20 AM -
Replays: 46 Game:
i disaggree, full base towers do affect the knights with only hs. and pikes r so slow, the arrows help weaken and will deter them. the senario where no base towers, is the end result in this replay, more than half ur furns gone. and not to mention that a hs rush will generally consist of the knights trying to take out the towers first! no towers, no obstacles.

i will agree that fu knights will take almost no damage, but that wasn't the case in this game.
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