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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] EWM vs Unr3al

#1Ainamir  Aug 18 2005, 19:24 PM -
Omg... can someone tell me what i did wrong in thi game?? frusty.gif review plz...

#2Chen  Aug 18 2005, 19:38 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
i'll take a look at this
#3Ainamir  Aug 18 2005, 19:40 PM -
Thx Chen
#4Elven111  Aug 18 2005, 20:32 PM -
forgot to tag it Chen tongue.gif , I got it for u
#5Chen  Aug 18 2005, 21:49 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
thx wub.gif elven
#6Major  Aug 19 2005, 08:21 AM -
btw he's smurf, hehe. (NooB^)
#7kabza  Aug 19 2005, 10:40 AM -
Replays: 9 Game:
Ups...Ainamir blink.gif Why u not stop merry when u destroyed his base sleep.gif Hmm u could won this game, one mistake and u lost wacko.gif gg A1namir next time stoping merry banana.gif
#8Chen  Aug 19 2005, 15:38 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
wow i'm surprised this didn't bug on me sleep.gif ents were on fire

{EWM}A1nam1R(Rohan) vs Unr3al|NooB^(Isengard)
Map: Fords of Isen
Version 1.02


+Good BO
+Nice use of PPs
+gj protecting the peasent spam
+ banana.gif Gained map control while he was ent rushing thumb.gif also good job taking out his moot
+You won

-allowed him to get ents....you didn't know he was gonna make it there but on fords there is 4 settlements close to your base where he could build ents and have them at your base fast enough...should make sure all 4 are secure with pikes
-you only tried to protect your base with one group of fire archerers...could've brought a few laborers to help a little

Summary: You played a good game with few mistakes, and was able to take MC while he was busy trying to destroy your main camp...and in the end you won i would just say to make sure rohan doesn't get ents wacko.gif because rohan didn't even have any horse archerers it would allow to to put pikes at settlements safely gg


+Nice BO
+Good harassment with rohirrim
+GJ getting farms near wargs
+GJ using rohirrim to kill fire archerers when ent rushing
+took out his main base

-poor peasent spam imo
-no horse archerers...it would've sucked if he had pikes at all near settlements
-poor hero micro
-allowed him to buy back his base...could've tried to hid merry there
-I think you shouldn't have bought theo back, and buy lego after you destroyed his main camp...you should've took out one of his mills near his outpost and buy ent moot

Summary: You were able to play a good game and destroy his base, but i don't think you should've bought lego and theo back....and they were both killed...i believe making an entmoot would've maybe won you the game..anywayz gg

I give this game: 5/10
#9guitaraffa  Aug 20 2005, 02:26 AM -
Replays: 2
Chen said just what I was going to say: another entmoot instead of Legolas and theo (and armory). An entmoot most likely would have finished him, while Legolas is basically just usefull in a longer game but wasn't really helpful to take out his outpost. You were really in the position to go in for the kill, but instead played to prepare for a longer battle. If you notice that your opponent hasn't gotten many fire archers, pouring on the ent attack is often the best solution, especially once isen gets rain.

One thing that may have helped in the first part of the ent attack, it might have been a good idea to use Theo with his glorious charge to find Isen's armory and take it out before he sees that the ents are coming.

Pretty well played on both sides, and a very good comeback by isen.
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