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Battle for Middle Earth

[R]good mordor finish

#1Ainamir  Aug 3 2005, 12:59 PM -
well... my advice: when you think you won, then your opponent can destroy you tongue.gif plz review this one...

This post has been edited by Ainamir: Aug 3 2005, 13:00 PM
#2[As]gon  Aug 3 2005, 16:07 PM -
Replays: 2
lol i 'a m LuuVeer , yes i have luck on this game
#3Phoenix Rising  Aug 3 2005, 18:41 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Un-Official Review

You did well at the beginning, though I don't understand why you built a troll cage and then destroyed it for another slaughterhouse. Was it a mis-click?
You let your orc pit run out of orcies. I suppose it wasn't really a major event, legolas would have killed them anyway, though you could have sent them into the slaughterhouse for fun cash.

I don't know why you went for early nazgul when he had lego and eowyn; but it proved efective in attacking his base when he was in yours.

I liked the mass trolls, way to take lego, eowy and aragorn out!

Not bad play at all.


Your peasants in the beginning were of little use. Using your starting peasants to kill a few labourers didn't really hurt him too much.

Also, you should have started building archers sooner, and shouldn't have let your few rohirrim die.

You didn't play badly, you were just a little slow in doing things. You had no chance against the mass trolls, and after that it was over.

My rating would be 4/10
#4[As]gon  Aug 3 2005, 23:06 PM -
Replays: 2
i brake one Troll cage for fast naz but i don't saw eowyb lego
#5Vash  Aug 4 2005, 03:13 AM -
Offical will be up tommorrow.
#6Vash  Aug 4 2005, 14:58 PM -
kLC|LuuVeeR (Mordor)

smile.gif Got all his heros without losing a troll
smile.gif Attacked his base with nazgul when eyown and leg were at yours
smile.gif You won

mellow.gif Instead of taking pit + SH go two lumber + smeagol
mellow.gif Should have gone two pits to gain more map control

sad.gif Went all SH with just four tower protecting it (A fast aragon rush would have killed you before you got those trolls up)
sad.gif Continued to build nazgul when he had leg and eyown (although he did come in handy)
sad.gif Bad map control, rohan had more farms in early and mid game
sad.gif Target citadel over archer range (You were getting trolls the one thing to counter trolls in fire)

Player rating: 4/10

[DL2]Ainamir (Rohan)

smile.gif Good job with your peasants harassment
smile.gif Remained aggressive with your horses for the most part
smile.gif Good map control

mellow.gif You creeped with merry but do it where you can get a settlement for rohan's crap ecom
mellow.gif No theo, he would have helped in that final rush you were doing also their were two creeps left on the map, which would have taken him to four, then a few orcs tramped = GC
mellow.gif Got leg and eyown, get aragon leg eyown (He was going for fast nazgul b/c you did not see trolls)

sad.gif Kept your stable when you had no use out of it until the very end of the game, detele put a farm or well, then rebuild it when you need it
sad.gif You stopped being aggressive with your horses, if you would have made them harass you would have most likly run into his troll cages before he had a lot of trolls
sad.gif Didn't send leg and eyown to finish off the nazgul they were not doing anything at his base
sad.gif Didn't do so well with your heros you left leg and eyown to die without even knowing, and you made aragon run without attacking

Player rating: 4/10

Game summary: The game started out right with rohan sending to bands of peasants to harass his bottom lumber, and two to his upper lumber. Mordor was more passive then he should have been, but went for fast nazgul while rohan built horses to harass and heros (leg, ewoyn, aragon). Mordor took an outpost and started to mass trolls. In the mean time Rohan headed for his main base and started to destroy it. Rohan got most of the base but was stopped short when all his heroes were killed. Mordor then rushed into rohan's unprotected base and won.

Overall rating: 4/10
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