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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] Isengard Mirror

#1CitRuS  Aug 2 2005, 13:32 PM -
ok this match was me and this guy who i just beat on QM he says he wasnt very good with rohan (which i could tell) and tht is y i bet him althou he is best with isen and cud pwn me so we had a custom match between my isen (who i am best with and he is) and his isen
here is teh rep a review wud be nice thn a lot tongue.gif
This post has been edited by |elder|Kiltec: Aug 3 2005, 21:44 PM
#2CitRuS  Aug 3 2005, 13:09 PM -
wud some one pease review this lol i no isen mirrors aint the best match to watch lol
#3Elven111  Aug 3 2005, 16:12 PM -
Be patient, u only need to bump the topic if it slips onto the 2nd page. Otherwise, it keeps floating around the top and when looking for reps, RRs look towards the bottom b/c that's where you'd expect the oldest reps to be.
#4|elder|Kiltec  Aug 3 2005, 21:45 PM -
I like Isen mirros, tbh, just the right thing before I'm going to bed, tbh... biggrin.gif

-> gonna review.
#5CitRuS  Aug 3 2005, 21:53 PM -
kk thanks n it nearly did bump into the 2nd page lol wacko.gif
#6|elder|Kiltec  Aug 3 2005, 22:47 PM -
ShadowWings (Isengard) vs. romero318 (Isengard)
Game : amazing isen mirror
Version : 1.02
Date : 2005.08.03 13:58:46
Time: 00:29:01
Map : Fords of isen

ShadowWings (Isengard)
BO: furnace+pit, mill, uruk, furnaces

sad.gif too slow with sending laborer to second mill, he got your mill with his uruks
mad.gif didn't build mill after having destroyed his mill at your side -> he could rebuilt it with a laborer!
smile.gif pit at back
sad.gif armory at front
sad.gif first attack on his base, primary target is his armory not his citadel
mellow.gif could've crept more and earlier
smile.gif harassment was ok
smile.gif (KEY) Got OP with 3x uruk pit
mellow.gif slow with getting uruks at this OP and with upgrading them
sad.gif got rain as third power
sad.gif don't forget to keep on building uruks

Player summary:
Don't forget to build mills after having destroyed one of his!
Armory should be put at the back.
You didn't play very well in early-game but benefitted from some bad decisions he made.
Don't get rain but "fuel the fire". Killing LD is of absoulutely no use in a mirror, money is! wink.gif
Nice job spamming the uruks from that OP. don't forget to keep on spamming them, could've defended your op much easier by getting more uruks earlier.
You crept better than your opponent but still could've crept more.
Good job winning this match! smile.gif

romero318 (Isengard)
BO: 2x furnace, mills, furnace, mill, furnace, pit, uruk, furnaces

smile.gif "stole" mill on his side
sad.gif pit came too late, should be 3rd building in base. You need those uruk asap do reclaim the mills on your side!
thumb.gif lured his uruks away from your mills on his side and grabbed both mills with your laborers
sad.gif don't fill last spot /w a furnace, just wait for the money to et the armory
smile.gif pit+ armory at back
sad.gif slow with realizin you had enough money to buy blades
smile.gif good attack on his base taking down his citadel+pit. But after that attack his towers not his buildings
sad.gif always slow with using industry
mad.gif (KEY) got banner upgrade and always upgraded your uruks with banner. This crippled your economy a lot
sad.gif didn't build a mill after having crept one warg
sad.gif nearly no creeping at all.
sad.gif don't attack upgraded with unupgraded units. Wait till they also have upgrades. Otherwise your enemies gonna defeat them with their left hand...
sad.gif had 7 PPs and didn't get next power

Player summary:
You gave the victory away by getting banner-upgrade and more important upgrading every uruk-unit with them.
You couldn't get enough uruks bc of that and got overwhelmed by him.
If you want to have rank 2 uruks, go and creep with them.
don't forget to get the 3rd power= fuel the fire to boost your economy.
Creep more to get additonal mills and OPs.
Nice job in early-game but then you made this bad decision to get banner upgrade. sad.gif

Overall summary:
Watching the first minutes I'Ve thought this match would be overy very soon.
Both players made a couple of huge mistakes.

Rating: 4/10
#7CitRuS  Aug 3 2005, 23:13 PM -
thnx for the review and i will spare this in mind biggrin.gif
#8romero318  Oct 3 2005, 21:35 PM -
Replays: 60
ok i am going to ask that i fight you again. The guys is right i was off game. I will guarentee you that will not happen again. You were not being as tough as i thought you were so i let up and thought i was doing good but o well you won. No more will that happen
#9Lunch For The Sky  Oct 3 2005, 21:53 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
romero318 is hilarious tongue.gif
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