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Battle for Middle Earth

To clear things up

#1ValsaDoom  Jul 6 2011, 12:59 PM -

Replays: 51 Game:
Again, me talking about lagg, ok lagg suck, but ffs even my leadership lagg! Since when peasants barely make it to level 2 with eye after killing a goblins lair? There's a perfect example of my stupid worthless eye in this replay with Xeha's peasants in early game. And this bugg happens too many times!

Anyways, the game still remain interesting imo, the funny thing is that I tried do the same thing as Xeha did in this game here in a similar game few months ago (against Xeha) with my 2 mordor allies, which told me I was a complete idiot noob, I like the idea --> rohan=combos+Ra+Eomer+Teo, the 2 Mordor=fast naz and troll+cata later.

This post has been edited by ValsaDoom: Jul 6 2011, 13:02 PM
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