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Battle for Middle Earth

Triple Isen V double mordor and Rohan

#1ValsaDoom  Nov 29 2011, 18:04 PM -

Replays: 51 Game:
Crazy game, with Aod, Ara level 10, Balrog and some more Balrog!
#2Greil_Mercenary  Nov 29 2011, 18:18 PM -
Replays: 42
I admit. We played like shit lol
#3(GeR)BaStArD  Nov 29 2011, 18:40 PM -
Replays: 24
Sry VD that i quit the game. But no time - game was to long ;-). Funny game. Was a little bit pissed off - all game no lagg - but if i used rog - the stupid rog runs in slow motion and was hard to handle.
#4ValsaDoom  Nov 29 2011, 18:52 PM -

Replays: 51 Game:
Yeah, but mine did worst, the stupid Balrog was not able to find the last tower 1% built, Rohan survived!

@Greil, your team had such a good start, then Ara level 10, then AOD, but yeah few mistakes and good calls from our part gave us the chance to keep going on.
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