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Battle for Middle Earth

1x1 Mordor Mirror

#1awarin  Oct 31 2013, 17:21 PM -
Replays: 10
I was performing """insufficiency""" and making simple """mistakes""" vs standard good mordor player untill I successed at my strategy (probably only mine, if you know what i mean); anyone can adopt it(exclude "experts"s. they won't need.)...
#2Infonaut  Oct 31 2013, 21:54 PM -
Replays: 55 Game:
Lol biggrin.gif What is ur strat? 4-5 orc pit than 3 nazguls? This is basic strat on FoI.
#3awarin  Oct 31 2013, 21:57 PM -
Replays: 10
I may be mentioned mistakenly. Not the strategy but the tricks in the battle and not taking eye untill furnace taken. also one more thing up to peoples discovery. I wont tell.
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