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Battle for Middle Earth

Ub3r Vs OvO cw

#11Veermarck  May 11 2008, 18:22 PM -
Replays: 37 Game:
gg 0v0

I cant play 2v2 atm coz for some wierd reason my pc performance is so incredibly bad. if u have any tips tell me in tech support.

Either way, u're right i used my naz pretty bad sad.gif I should have gone for a second one instead of WK imo. Or fo the normal provide-Ld-for-Isen-Combos strat. But as they didnt have any archers 3 naz would have owned so much.
#12Sammyman  May 12 2008, 10:12 AM -
Replays: 94
Are you using wireless connection. I use wireless sometimes for ffg and it makes 2 v 2 almost unplayable for me.

I have to change back to my rouster modem for faster games and if that is not the problem maybe you need to free up some space on your pc or defragment the hard drive.
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