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Battle for Middle Earth

2v2 Major Championship CB vs ALM

#1ValsaDoom  Nov 5 2021, 01:43 AM -
Top left Mordor x6tence|GB2
Bottom left Isengard SHIBA_INU aka LATINO


Top right Isengard Th0rin`
Bottom right Mordor Karuskas

Mirror match, always adds a twist when observing the replay, you can compare apples with apples.

Inside bases, each sides did exactly the same, both Mordors 1 orc pit and both Isengards 2 furns but the major difference was between Isengard LATINO and Isengard Th0rin`, LATINO went straight to the enemy territory to rush their mils, while Th0rin` took the luxury of walking his Uruks around his base in order to buy a second outside mils.

Then both left players rushed Karuskas, hurting his eco real bad, Mordor x6tence|GB2 had a base full and was already building troll cage when Mordor Karuskas with only 1 SH decided to built a second orc-pit, Th0rin` knew he had to try something different and built a warg-pit.

Wargs from Th0rin` were rushing Mordor x6tence|GB2's base, but they could not get to the troll cage, also LATINO had pikes on the way, so Th0rin` decided to destroy warg-pit and put money aside for Saruman.

LATINO waited for the drummers to join the fight, and then attacked Karuskas, Th0rin` lost both Saruman and Lurtz trying to defend his team-mate, his combos got there a little late, and the citadel fell as well as the rain, then LATINO's Saruman arrived on the site of destruction, buildings continued to fall and the citadel fell again, all Karuskas could do was cast Darkness and it was already time to go to bed, Good night Th0rin`, Good night Karuskas!

Lose with honor, win with Glory!

MVP, Latino!
This post has been edited by ValsaDoom: Nov 5 2021, 01:45 AM
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