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Battle for Middle Earth

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#1necromancer393  Dec 10 2021, 21:35 PM -
Replays: 7
2v2 rohan rohan vs isenguard gondor, few balrog summons, few aod's and wop
#2ValsaDoom  Dec 11 2021, 16:02 PM -
Top left Myth Playing as Isengard
Bottom left gaussiano playing as Gondor


Top right Pablo playing as Rohan
Bottom right necromancer playing as Rohan

No blades for Isengard, I don't know why so many players think it's over rated but these uruks combos and pike combos fed both Rohan's Roherrims and Aragorn.

In early game there was some confusion between the left team players, beacons were placed with no follow-up, few times W/C could have been used more efficiently and Palantir usage was inefficient due to bad timing and wrong place, why having Cloud-Break over eagles when your team mate already has Rain, but on the other team, even tough necromancer did most of the heavy lifting with a better communication the team played in a better synchronized way, and this made a difference.

Why waiting so long before summoning the Balrog? Myth had a chance to summoned the Rog before necromancer released the AOD for a second time, yet he waited and waited, was it because he feared necromancer had his AOD ready and did not want to have his Rog destroyed by the Ghosts? It looks like he waited on purpose for the AOD to be launch somewhere, just to make sure his Rog will have no interference else where, and so it happened just as describe, but unfortunately the Rog micro could have been executed better, and if gaussiano had chosen the Eagles instead of Cloud-Break it would have been Game Over for the right team players, but we would have missed the best part of the game.

One Dramatic and the most spectacular moment of this game was given to us by a magnificent execution from gaussiano, when he was facing elimination with only Gandy alive and almost dead, he escaped is own Castle by a back door he create seconds before his citadel collapse escaping both Lego and Ara only to send the white wizard into high ranked RA half of the impressive army of necromancer that was coming to finish the job, but surprise, Gandy made Wizard Blast and Boom! Just like that he was level 10 and with Wop it was Good night RA! But that did not stop there, in a matter of only a few seconds gaussiano got from a desperate situation to everything is possible, because this Word of Power gave him the PP he needed to get AOD and it was Good night Aragorn, Good night Legolas! necromancer who was on the highway for Glory had to start from scratch.

During this entire game all 4 players had to hustle for money.
At many occasions Pablo faced elimination and after 3 attempts the left team players managed to take down his Castle, but at the last minute he managed to get the middle camp, unfortunately it was not enough to have him finished the game, 1 AOD(gaussiano) + 1 Rog(Myth) vs only 1 AOD(necromancer) Pablo was too far behind and that was it, but not before gaussiano had to go to bed seconds earlier, now it was a 1v1 and Myth had 3 Castles + 1 Camp but no army.... and when he figured he had no chance to keep things that way vs the mighty RA of necromancer and his Aragorn level 10, he honorably pulled the plug.

Lose with Honor win with Glory!

This post has been edited by ValsaDoom: Dec 11 2021, 21:14 PM
#3MythvMight  Dec 11 2021, 20:05 PM -
Replays: 380 Game:

Thanks for review and was a gg. I was not at my best but this shows why you should not flame good players. My balrog was bad but I did not deserve this match making middle as I knew it was a mistake

We can re best of 5 soon with same teams or equals

wp gg
#4ValsaDoom  Dec 11 2021, 21:25 PM -

Replays: 51 Game:
QUOTE(MythvMight @ Today, 15:05 PM)

Thanks for review and was a gg. I was not at my best but this shows why you should not flame good players. My balrog was bad but I did not deserve this match making middle as I knew it was a mistake

We can re best of 5 soon with same teams or equals

wp gg

You did good, I was wondering if you suffered from some lag, after you bought the middle camp (the first time) your Lurtz was level 4 almost 5 and Pablo sent Roherrims towards you, then they passed over your Lurtz and aimed for your main base, but you press 'C' for Carnage only after they were way passed your Lurtz... I was wondering why... then much later in the game when I saw how you handle your Rog, I was certain you must've had lag, this could explained a lots of things.
But anyways GG yeah
#5x6tenceGB2  Jan 12 2022, 02:17 AM -
Replays: 8 Game:
was fun to watch, thanks for sharing
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