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Battle for Middle Earth

Rising from the Ashes!

#1ValsaDoom  Dec 22 2021, 03:13 AM -
Top left finalfantasy playing Mordor
Top middle PvtCowboy playing Isengard
Top right x6tence|GB2 playing Mordor


Bottom left corazon playing Isengard
Bottom middle KingSaLiH playing Isengard
Bottom right MARJE playing Gondor

I often said 2 Mordors is one too many in a 3v3, but still Mordor lds is so powerful on patch 1.06, for sure the top players team had an advantage and it took a formidable team effort from the bottom side players to overthrown such an incredible force.

corazon managed in early game to steal the exp on the goblins lair to PvtCowboy, eye from x6tence|GB2 could not prevented it, well done there corazon!

KingSaLiH started the game the way I would have, archers first then creep trolls, but PvtCowboy had a score to settle and sent his Lurtz to get the last hit on the troll's lair, sorry KingSaLiH... Lurtz gets level 2.

MARJE was quietly doing his homework, and made stable, what else should he do with 2 Isengard team-mates? But this fight is against 2 Mordors, which means double the potential Nazguls attacks, and so once he got the right outpost, MARJE decided to go full archers making 2 archery range to accelerate the process and deleted stables.

x6tence|GB2 made one crucial little mistake, when sending a little too early an orc laborer to the middle mill only to die by the goblins, he lost his only opportunity to get a second mill right there, still he was fast in making drummers, the secret weapon of Mordor, while finalfantasy was in air-support business, the WK was ready for war and the top team players were on march for Glory, they took the left outpost for a second time, single-handedly PvtCowboy managed to leveling-up his combos up to level 10 and got plenty PP in the process, at this point he had 11PP enabling him to get Rain while the bottom team players had only 10PP all players combined, all thx to Mordor leadership!

Then with 3 combos level 10 and Rain with him he came knocking at corazon's house, like the big bad wolf did in the 3 little pigs' tale, but these guys are no piglets, both Isengard had Saruman ready to hurt those mighty combos as soon as Rain stopped, and the next minute all the perfect plan of PvtCowboy turned into ruin...

The top team players had to come with an other plan fast, and catapults might be the answer, but finalfantasy decided to spam 15 of those from a single work siege, with that much money spent why not making 4 sieges with 2 or 3 cata each?

Then it was corazon's turn to cast Rain, and all 3 players from the south hit PvtCowboy's camp hoping they can end him before he gets the Rog, finalfantasy's catapults were stuck in heavy traffic and couldn't make it in time, good night PvtCowboy!

Lose with Honor, win with Glory!

Although MARJE had more PP and KingSaLiH played one of his best game yet this year, imo MVP was corazon!
This post has been edited by ValsaDoom: Dec 22 2021, 03:14 AM
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