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Battle for Middle Earth

I vs G

#1HONGA  Jul 6 2008, 15:11 PM -
Replays: 48
HELLO every one ...
long time no play .. almost 1 or 2 games a week
but this one is special one .. he was rank something 20

he was the host !
good map for his Gondor!
very laggy game ...

check my palista ?!?!?!?! which make my game turned to hill..
mmmm see yourself ... enjoy
by the way .. i dont know if there is any new rules for posting so i am sorry if its going to be any mistake by me!
review plzzz
#2RaGe`  Jul 7 2008, 17:02 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
id like to know who this gondor player is
#3HONGA  Jul 11 2008, 23:19 PM -
Replays: 48
id like to know who this gondor player is

well i dont know him ...

but he played well ...IMO

any body know him?
#4EV1L  Jul 12 2008, 11:02 AM -
Replays: 46 Game:
it's arkurios.
#5whersmyspacebar  Jul 13 2008, 03:25 AM -
it's arkurios.

#6whersmyspacebar  Jul 13 2008, 10:14 AM -
HONGA i watched and u need to siege from an outpost next time, on eastern rohan siegeing from an outpost means that u only need 2 protect your ballistas from 2 directions and they are both pretty narrow so pikes should have it easy and also from an outpost u can 1/2 siege works spam ballistas so if u do lose some uve got plenty more coming.
#7DREFAN2  Jul 13 2008, 20:14 PM -
Replays: 39 Game:
Honga was nice to meet u today on South itilien u played well. Looking forward tokill u again coz it was enteresting:) i download ure game think it will be enteresting to watch^^
#8HONGA  Jul 14 2008, 10:48 AM -
Replays: 48
HONGA i watched and u need to siege from an outpost next time, on eastern rohan siegeing from an outpost means that u only need 2 protect your ballistas from 2 directions and they are both pretty narrow so pikes should have it easy and also from an outpost u can 1/2 siege works spam ballistas so if u do lose some uve got plenty more coming.

yup thanks

but pallista wasnt able to hit
its just run forword
sorry for my bad english

but thanks any way smile.gif was a gg
#9Oblivion^  Jul 15 2008, 15:55 PM -
Replays: 14 Game:
Imo what cost u the game was to make too much early combo.

you should had get some mor epike and upgrade them instead starting make combo. after u got some fu pike buy the outost near is castle 2 balista and u should had win it. he only had knight for a long time. Get saruman before combo.
#10Pallando  Jul 16 2008, 13:22 PM -
Anarisma is not Ark sad.gif . I'm 100% sure and I know who he is.
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