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Battle for Middle Earth

CW ]gG[ vs potc Gondor Mordor vs Gondor Isengard

#1Axcell  Sep 16 2008, 17:44 PM -
action packed game, nice to watch.
#2C.Tarık  Sep 16 2008, 21:00 PM -
Replays: 4
Good Game thum.gif
#3minjung  Sep 16 2008, 21:40 PM -
Axcell please let sammy post your team replays, his descriptions are way funnier tongue.gif

Will watch tomorrow maybe blush.gif
#4Sammyman  Sep 17 2008, 10:13 AM -
Replays: 94
My performance this game was poor because I had domestic arguement going on at the same time because the wireless network wasnt working.

Only in clan wars will you see games like this.

gg all
#5Robbie  Sep 17 2008, 19:04 PM -
Stopped watching when alan lost his cita to eagles.

I can tell this was a classic sammy host game with op lag. Ent should have lost his naz minutes after it came out but ALans fara ran away from it instead of WA. The fact that naz was flying over isens base in the first place. Nearly every spell cast by GtW or saru missed, alan ran from the middle of stationary clumped horse to lightning sword an empty patch of grass, the way he lost gtw, ect. ect.
#6Axcell  Sep 18 2008, 07:05 AM -
laugh.gif Velve

Can't you enjoy a little of the replay and not hope sam loses to uber1337 micro form potc on sam's host? wink.gif
#7Robbie  Sep 18 2008, 16:26 PM -
Sorry ent, but I just found the entire game so fustrating, we have all had games on Sams host where nothing listens, and watching 3 players who usually have very good micro play like this is just hard (esp since it's my clan tongue.gif). They would probably have won due to your naz rush if they had host sad.gif.

But still I can see it's fairly entertaining which is why you posted, so I'll quit my moaning tongue.gif
#8Sammyman  Sep 18 2008, 16:59 PM -
Replays: 94
Velve you do not understand that nearly every off host game lags exspiecally in 2 v 2. We played on Alans host and as many would agree alan has bad host everything was freezing.

You need to stop moaning even pure and ent told you the game was playable and you still say lag lag lag etc.

maybe you need to upgrade your equipment. You dont see us sitting in the game maoning about lag all the time we just get on with it thats what you must learn to do.
#9Robbie  Sep 18 2008, 18:10 PM -
Sammy I play as much 2vs2 as you so dont talk bullshit please.
Whenever I complain about your host which in my experience lags alot more than most hosts it's allways

Sam :"Ent is it ok?"


Ent: "it's playable"

Sam: "See there is no lag whatsoever"



Sam: "You can host re"

Pure doesn't get invloved usually, but I don't ever remember him saying what an op host you have.

Alot of people have laggy hosts, but most of them don't insist on hosting every ffg and every cw that is on their teams hosts.
#10Miho  Sep 18 2008, 21:29 PM -
Yes, most hosts lag badly, but no wonder when you are at 0% or 1% when others are allready at 100% in loading... Some ppl just have to abuse high graphics cuz they would probably epical fail if they set down their gfx...
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