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Battle for Middle Earth

BcVcB vs Peak Tourney Game

#1BcVcB  Jan 4 2009, 16:01 PM -

Replays: 46 Game:
Elves ftw
#2Pallando  Jan 4 2009, 16:03 PM -
Will watch w00t.gif
#3Robbie  Jan 5 2009, 22:45 PM -
Much better example of how to play this MU. But two key differences between the start of this and the start of Palla's game;

1. Bc went top, which really sucks for mordor using this start
2. Peak cocked up the first creep completely, which left him with one mill and no creep money sad.gif

Some other things I noticed, probab;y due to rustiness;
  • Slightly slow build order for HS rush.
  • Use second heal way earlier, you need it to keep first or second horse in a usable creeping and mill killing sate for longer.
  • Always keep one horse getting MC while you base rush, otherwise you risk him constantly rebuilding, or even worse a naz popping out. In situations like this I would get 4 horse since you had such an advantage which you can then just force home.

Peak eventually threw it away by getting both trolls so far away from base when Gondor got elves. The main disadvantage of this strat is the amount of PP you give away.
#4RaGe`  Jan 6 2009, 07:45 AM -
Replays: 13 Game:
if peak waits for drummer and keeps the trolls together =>gg
#5Peak  Jan 6 2009, 11:43 AM -
Replays: 29 Game:
if peak waits for drummer and keeps the trolls together =>gg

That´s true for one thing. The other thing is that the game was jumping - so wargs decided to split - so no creep. But tbs - without that strat i would have been dead like anything from the start! I lost my mill - so no eco - had no creep and went to "late" game. Show me how to do that with another strat tongue.gif Him takin the top mill doesn´t hurt me much.
Anyway - the key element was the elven summon which was nicely placed and i was just to impatient and wanted to pressure him like hell, which backfired to that loss. sad.gif
This post has been edited by Peak: Jan 6 2009, 11:45 AM
#6Robbie  Jan 6 2009, 16:54 PM -
How would Peak waiting make him win. Bc had elves ready anyway so if he didn't get that chance, he could easily have base rushed and taken the cage with still only 2/3 trolls out. Or just base rushed and killed 2 trolls, so Peak is in the same situation either way eyebrow.gif
#7Peak  Jan 6 2009, 17:32 PM -
Replays: 29 Game:
Fighting elves close to base or on the open field is a difference. But you are definitely right that it would have been a close call.
#8RaGe`  Jan 6 2009, 18:40 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
well usually 3 trolls>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>elves
but he casted them when the trolls were attacking the wall, so these 2 trolls were lost and shot in the back
then he moved forward, where he got the 3. troll, then in the base the 4th,; all without being damaged
#9Robbie  Jan 6 2009, 20:16 PM -
Three trolls > elves if you happen to have all your trolls together in the right place when Gondor summons. A good summon means you will always kill one troll without being damaged. Then you have when 2 run in you will kill one more even without microing the elves usually. And while the trolls attack the elves you're losing your base to the horse....
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