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Battle for Middle Earth

Epic game

#11MeTaLSLaYeR  Feb 24 2009, 01:17 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Super game! Fought up to the last. Excellent slaughter have made.
I have taken pleasure to observe of you m8s biggrin.gif
Wubbed thumb.gif

Super Game.... rofl
platy dont post these anymore they take to much time lol.
I just got back from cod4 after so long behind the mp5 i decided to get back to bfme.

Anyways mu was ownage for one team, one rohan goes HA um ok is that a new strat vs mordor?. zerk rush vs mordor? had the right idea with fast saruman but lacked combos early game. switching up bases lead to some really funny moments but after the first 2 it got really drab. double rog and still didnt kill base was pathetic. Platy was the only one that played well and he died first lol.
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