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Battle for Middle Earth

[Finals] Final Tourney Game vs Dune Isen-Gon foin

#1Felixanius  Dec 6 2018, 21:45 PM -

Replays: 102 Game:
Classic mu for final game. My Isen his Gon.

gg, wp, congratz for 2. place. tongue.gif
#2suturbs  Dec 12 2018, 06:53 AM -
Replays: 189 Game:
Congratulations first,

Gondor did the simplest best first moves...

Secondly, Dunedain Isen and Felix Gondor, Dunedain's official Dodge...

... There was "no chance" for felix if dunedain played his "average Isen" there. Coz Dune also is a good pike-controller. Can't easily hunt his pikes even with proper horses.. Mu favored dunedain alot but whatever..

Shame, Dunadain, "gave it free"; but he was under stress and I bet he was also tired. And his minimal focus & concentration was pretty around lower level.

When dune had isen, When I saw he made mills and sent uruk too far, I knew smth was wrong.. Also Felix sent the soldiers without delaying even "10 miliseconds", simplest best first move from gondor side, hence somehow earned it too... which least delay of soldiers also made the pit relativly "too far from mill"...

What about when you are under difficulties, or didn't feel like to play at that moment?

Moreover, separately: Pit + furnace in my opinion is the best card when you feel like tired or gonna be lagged. When you have a slight lag or mistake/miliseconds delay in the opening moves[shittest thing in bfme, a weak point for a RTS game] in the early game, the compensation is impossible against gondor, rohan. Dunedain quited thats why.

However, when you make furance and pit, it gives a "compensation card", against a your slight move mistake, or lag related move mistakes, or very heavy(6-10) efficient peasant rushes, if it is rohan...

All in all, Congratulations the official champion FILIS and also Dunedain....

These two guys my favourites as person, and as players... Filis is really good at deeper micro -single unit efficiency along with microing other units-, dunedain is really good at overall average micro and macro.. Cu in other occasions...
This post has been edited by suturbs: Dec 12 2018, 07:02 AM
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