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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] omg wat a game 2v2 animal vs LNL

#1-BramleY  Jan 6 2006, 23:23 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
omg what a game pls RR it but dont flame :/ thx biggrin.gif
#2AsHs  Jan 6 2006, 23:26 PM -
Replays: 15 Game:
this game was better then war vs lnl.

a lot of mistakes i played so fucin poor compared to the last game we played rofl.

but as havoc says ' i got carried but in style'

who ever watches this fast foward some of it but its well well worth the watch lipper was listening and he loved it wub.gif

pls no flame in this topic pls it doesnt need it !
This post has been edited by AsHs: Jan 6 2006, 23:28 PM
#3OnFiRe  Jan 7 2006, 00:29 AM -
Replays: 14 Game:
ash is noob happy.gif tongue.gif
#4lipper  Jan 7 2006, 00:32 AM -
Replays: 2

n1qshok.gif as they say in the football world end to end stuff.

well ash's end anyways.

best ever comedy moment in bfme goes to lion and tiger, at the point aragorn is surrounded by bannerless pikes perfectly grouped for lions wormtounge to be cast (which it was) tiger uses elendil coupled with a little lag yes you guessed it wormtoughe completely misses.

anyways great game to watch dont be frightened of the size not a dull moment
#5AsHs  Jan 7 2006, 11:28 AM -
Replays: 15 Game:
pllllllllls review at 1 point i had 1 pit and 2 furn and 2 eco lol and no cit sad.gif. fuck my money was low.

imo silver / gold not on micro may be but on excitment easily. wub.gif wub.gif

i didnt know why he didnt buy banner vs another isen but we owned his eco so he might have sold armoury to own my base @ beggining.

but bramley is to sexy to let me die haha biggrin.gif

i didnt c that lipper rofl i wonder why i had none of his units.... :'(. ROTW ftw.
This post has been edited by AsHs: Jan 7 2006, 11:43 AM
#6lipper  Jan 7 2006, 13:57 PM -
Replays: 2

the bramster for prez tbh , PLEASE review a great game.
#7AsHs  Jan 7 2006, 21:11 PM -
Replays: 15 Game:
bramley keeps going rohan now... lol he plays it well thoe
#8-Logic  Jan 7 2006, 23:49 PM -
I just watched this game and it was very good. Roh/Isen vs Gon/Isen is actually one of the better and more balanced matchups:

A. Good early game for Gon/Isen (EW, Uruk/knight rush)

This was executed quite well by LNL, they severely crippled Ash's isen, but not quite enough to knock him out of the game. cool2.gif

B. Very well balanced mid game - GC came a bit before Gandalf, so a quick advantage for Rohan, then advantage goes to gondor.

This is where the game was decided. Subpar Gandalf use by shine gave rohan the advantage. EW seemed to be unavailable when Gondor needed it most to counter GC sad.gif

One of my favorite points was when knights were met some rohirrim and theo in the field. They didn't attack each other for a few seconds. It was a standoff to see who could outbuff the other. First Gondor warchanted, then Eomer showed up, then Gondor got blades, then Gandalf showed up, then Rohan GC'd, then the old wizard got owned and gondor ran away smile.gif.

Midgame LNL attacked Lion with this force + more. Credit to Lion for excellent Saruman use. Well placed blast and fireball, coupled with a timely wormtongue, allowed Animal to not only win this battle, but have enough forces to strike back with a good counter to take the middle. drol.gif


C. Late game advantage goes to Rohan/Isen

Rohan's awesome LD made Ash's isen unstoppable as they attacked Loco's base. Good stacking of Lurtz + Saruman + Theo + Aragorn + Chant = isen domination. What's even better is that All these bonuses were applied to Rohan's RA's as well.

5 reasons why this match was great:
1. no mordor
2. no mordor
3. no mordor
4. no mordor
5. no mordor

Overall this match is well worth the watch. There were many tense moments, as most battles were fought with full popcap. Some funny moments too. I think Ash only lost saruman once, and got the old fool to level 10, which is quite impressive. Theo, aragorn, and lurtz were level 10 also.
This post has been edited by qwerty1394: Jan 7 2006, 23:56 PM
#9AsHs  Jan 8 2006, 13:10 PM -
Replays: 15 Game:
yea gj m8 this game was full of adrelaine to play bramley literally was loving every moment and so was i.'im dead bram we lost m8' ' ffs ash im not letting u die man' and he didnt

impleading for a rr to review this please ill seriously love u. dont be shy by the kb some of it was building army up but gr8 gr8 game.

*wishes brimestar will come back and review this sad.gif*
This post has been edited by AsHs: Jan 8 2006, 13:11 PM
#10teutonic.  Jan 8 2006, 14:19 PM -
Replays: 16 Game:
exceptionally entertaining tbh smile.gif

was a pleasure watching it with u dudes, imo a 8/10
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