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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] GondorvsMordor

#31Pilbots  Jul 2 2005, 09:23 AM -
No its just certain attacks.. His arrow wind will fire across the map.
#32BLeeDeR  Jul 3 2005, 19:37 PM -
sigh..no review then? sleep.gif
#33|elder|Kiltec  Jul 4 2005, 14:11 PM -
Ok, I don't know why but today I feel heroic enough to watch and review this replay.

I hope i won't regret it...
#34|elder|Kiltec  Jul 4 2005, 16:39 PM -
]EC[TraNcE` (Mordor) vs [DIVA]BLeeDeR (Gondor)

Name of game : BLeeDeRvsTrance_long game
BFME version : 1.02
Players : ]EC[TraNcE` (Mordor) vs [DIVA]BLeeDeR (Gondor)
Game played on : 2005-06-25
Duration: 01:45:34
Map : Fords of Isen

Match description:
Mordor sieging FU Gondor castle /w trolls, mumakils and catapults.

]EC[TraNcE` (Mordor)

smile.gif fast troll cage
smile.gif sent trolls directly to his base to force him to buy tower
smile.gif troll /w rock to kill hobbit on his wall
sad.gif wasted 1st nazgul trying to kill Faramir and after that some other nzaguls, too
smile.gif nice LD-stacking
sad.gif on several occasions wasted trolls by sending them in to him all on their own and not having enough of them
smile.gif good scattering of catas when Gandalf came to blast them
sad.gif no real anti-Gandalf-force
smile.gif nice try to kill Gandalf by summoning Balrog under his feet
smile.gif good job slowly taking out his castle, in the end he had no wall-segments to build towers

Player summary:
Ímho you would've won earlier by being more massive esp in your first sieges.
You should've got 3x mumakil pen at the OP on the left and started to spam mumas.
Your first mumakil dealt much damage to him, imagine 3 of them.
In addition, you didn't have any real anti-nazgul weapon eg several trolls /w rocks.
He was frozen several times casting a speel and you could've killed him.
It might also have been a good idea to put fire-archers on the backof the mumakils to fight his eagles.

[DIVA]BLeeDeR (Gondor)

sad.gif casting EW on a very useless place, either cast it near one of his mills or near one of your farms but not in the middle of nowhere
smile.gif Pippin to kill his laborers
smile.gif good harassing and creeping
smile.gif Pippin on wall to throws stones at trolls
smile.gif good micro of towers, ie first killing orcs near troll then trolls
smile.gif always went out to kill mills after having killed his nazguls
sad.gif bad Gandalf-use vs. his first balrog (LS)
smile.gif nice killing of 2nd balrog /w Gandalf. waited tell he breathed fire b4 attacking him
sad.gif casting first Aotd, should've waited to kill his balrog with them

Player summary:

You did a good job defending your castle such a long time. godd usage of summons and killing his nazguls so often.
Your problem was that you didn't have anything to attack his base when you destroyed his OP on the left and he was very weak.
Well, but I don't think it was possible to have such a force, ie FU knights.

Overall summary:
Ok, if you're a fan of long matches with Gondor being sieged by Mordor defending his castle well by using summons, knights and Gandalf, this might be a good watch.
It has some good scenes, eg Mordor sacrificing a nazgul to Faramir and Gondor and after that sending the witchking into his castle. However, you have to fast-forward a lot due to the nature of this matchup and might miss some of this things.
Concludingly, pretty typical Mordor-siege vs. FU Gondor castle.

Overall rating: 6/10
#35BLeeDeR  Jul 5 2005, 17:11 PM -
thanks kiltec. biggrin.gif and ya it was long... sleep.gif
#36ToRtUr3  Jul 5 2005, 17:24 PM -
Replays: 14 Game:
Dam, i had Review ready already for this sad.gif

You were faster 0wn3d.gif

btw... Great Review banana.gif
This post has been edited by Nightmarelord: Jul 5 2005, 17:24 PM
#37mistercrowley  Jul 6 2005, 19:38 PM -
Stupid question... Can you FF a rep and if so how? I don't know if I can handle watching an entire 200 + k rep but if I could jog ahead to the good parts I wouldn't have a problem with it.
#38Vash  Jul 7 2005, 05:53 AM -
Hit Ctrl + / in the replay thumb.gif
#39|elder|Kiltec  Jul 7 2005, 09:46 AM -
Hit Ctrl + / in the replay

Though this depends on which keyboard you use.

for instance, using a german keyb you must hit CTRL and "-" (without the " of course... wink.gif )

Isn't that intuitive - ctrl + "-" ? wacko.gif biggrin.gif
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