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Battle for Middle Earth

PotC gon/mor vs Z3R0 roh/isen insane game

#1Robbie  Oct 25 2008, 20:52 PM -
This was just insane, I thought we lost it so many times, but somehow we kept pulling through,word of power really saved our asses a few times, even though I had to saccrifce GtW to cast it once tongue.gif
#2RaGe`  Oct 26 2008, 10:56 AM -
Replays: 13 Game:
wp gg

very entertaining
#3Robbie  Nov 12 2008, 19:03 PM -
Why do I hardly ever get reviews sad.gif
#4Pallando  Nov 12 2008, 19:59 PM -
Because of the size biggrin.gif

And CW's can't be reviewed by people that haven't much eXp in CW, so sad.gif
#5Robbie  Nov 13 2008, 16:34 PM -
It's not all that long compared to a lot of games that get posted. Lots of units add on to the file size, so the 2 FoDs with mass labourers, and chyna's orc spam.

And since when did you even need to play cw to review cw games eyebrow.gif

If that was so then less than 20 people could review this game laugh.gif
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