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Battle for Middle Earth

2v2 --> Anorien. Timur_bfme/Zsun vs MERG1N/TANAT

#1Timur_bfme  Dec 10 2023, 17:00 PM -
Replays: 146
* I Gondor and Tot (real nickname Zsun) Isengard vs VaGNeR (real nickname MERG1N) Rohan and Mr.Green (real nickname TANAT) Mordor.

* Before leaving the Legendary BFME game, I would like to post here the replays that remained on my computer.

* The game was played on 30.01.2023 at 19:42 in the time zone (UTC+05:00)

* Game 1.

* In this replay, you can see the total destruction of the noob TANAT at the beginning of the game!
* Look at the start of the TANAT. He doesn't build towers when his sawmills are attacked by my soldiers and Isengard's uruk-hai. Here, even the most noob would understand the situation that after the sawmills, the army will attack his base if there are no towers there. But it seems that TANAT turned out to be worse than noob. It was very funny xDDD
* Don't repeat TANAT's mistakes. Otherwise, you will also shamefully lose at the start as a TANAT! xD

* Have a nice laugh to everyone! xD
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