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Battle for Middle Earth

[R] Mentee War

#1TheFatOFTheLanD  Dec 1 2006, 21:12 PM -
Replays: 3 Game:
we were just having a ffg didn't realise till after that we were both mentees from this site so thought i would post so we could both get a review. Both of us made mistakes, so any advice will be greatly appreciated smile.gif
#2whateverusay  Dec 1 2006, 21:19 PM -
Nice game.
Esp. my hero micro sucked, but overall it was fun smile.gif
#3Vissario  Dec 1 2006, 21:49 PM -
Replays: 10 Game:
Nice to see some relatively new people posting replays smile.gif
#4LiGhT`  Dec 1 2006, 22:22 PM -
My mentee is pro biggrin.gif
#5Axcell  Dec 1 2006, 23:44 PM -
Don't forget that banners are also a must for RA's

I believe someone calculated n 1.02 that banner gives RA's more damage than fire arrows.
On top of that the inproved health and regeneration for a cheap price.
#6wickeD`  Dec 8 2006, 21:51 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
Gonna make it as my 2nd app review biggrin.gif
#7wickeD`  Dec 8 2006, 23:46 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
PeterOfAvila's 2nd Application Review

|S8P|S[]uAr3 [attachmentid=175850] v dontaskmewhy [attachmentid=175851]

Map: Fords of Isen


|S8P|S[]uAr3 [attachmentid=175850]

PP: Heal, GtW, Elven Allies, Eagle Allies

Strat: 2 Knights -> Creeping/Harassing/ -> Faramir -> Forged Blades -> GtW -> Missing Upgrades -> Soldiers/Archers/Boromir -> Fire Arrows/Tower Guards -> Siege

+ Good constant harassment all-game long
+ Build your caslte where his castle was when destroyed it, to avoid him from rebuying it thumb.gif
+ Lvl 6 Faramir
+ Good micro ti avoid losing your horses in afew situations

- Huge cash floating in some points of the game
- Poor creeping

Comments: Your game came ascending as time was passing. You had a poor early -> mid game passage with only 1 lair destroyed by your knights (his Rohirrim stolen you one creep), but you always had a Knight bat running around harassing his farms, this is a really good point. Your micro to keep these 2 guys alive was also good, after fighting Rohirrim and Ents, they still survived. The worst thing in your whole gameplay was that you cah floated when you could have used that money in something useful (wen you got attacked you could have bought Armor to handle those Ents better and then bought GtW, would be np smile.gif ) But gg.

Rating: 6


dontaskmewhy [attachmentid=175851]

PP: Draft, Heal, Anduril

Strat: Victoire Rush -> 5 Rohirrim/Creeping/Harassing -> Ents -> Upgrades/Theoden -> Aragorn/Horse Archers/Eomer -> Fire Arrows

+ Good creeping
+ Stolen him a creep with your Rohirrim
+ Good harassment until mid game; after his GtW came you basically stopped moving

- Lost 3 Rohirrim bats that could easily be saved
- Why you didn't buy Legolas instead of Eomer? He is very good against GtW and Knights aswell!

Comments: You had a very good early game and part of mid gae, where you owned basically the whole map and got 5/6 creeps. After your Ent strike on his base though, your game decreased a little because his GtW came out. That absolutely killed your whole progress... To counter the White-Dude we're talking about, you did almost the best you could - Horse Archers with Fire Arrows and Aragorn + Theo and Eomer but you forgot a crucial guy who is awlays in the fight against GtW ( tongue.gif ) - Legolas.

Rating: 5


Match Comments: Very balanced match where Gondor raises from the ashes tongue.gif to own Rohan with GtW. Some nice action through the game, but too long imo.

Entertaining Value: 5

Game Rating: 5

#8wickeD`  Dec 8 2006, 23:46 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
Triple post wacko.gif
This post has been edited by ^PeterOfAvila^: Dec 8 2006, 23:51 PM
#9wickeD`  Dec 8 2006, 23:47 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
Triple post wacko.gif
This post has been edited by ^PeterOfAvila^: Dec 8 2006, 23:50 PM
#10TheFatOFTheLanD  Dec 9 2006, 10:28 AM -
Replays: 3 Game:
thanks for the review biggrin.gif some very good points definitly need to work on the cash thing thumb.gif
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