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Command and Conquer 3

Picklehead vs EA_Ownz_You

#1EAOwnzYou  Feb 11 2010, 18:05 PM -
Replays: 96 Game:
Great game.
#2Disco2Disco  Feb 12 2010, 20:40 PM -
Replays: 24 Game:
8 downloads and 0 wubs. Something tells me it wasn't such a great game! tongue.gif
#3EAOwnzYou  Feb 12 2010, 20:48 PM -
Replays: 96 Game:
8 downloads and 0 wubs. Something tells me it wasn't such a great game! tongue.gif

Gues they still in the brag replay's rose but I'm sure after watching you change your mind.
#4Sakal.svk  Feb 12 2010, 21:12 PM -
Replays: 120 Game:
gg xD
#5the.dark-knight  Feb 24 2010, 08:31 AM -
Replays: 22 Game:
Its not the replay itself,i guess its the ppls thats playing is the cause for no wubbz........lol........
picklehead and ea_ownz_you most hated....on cnc3.....lmao...just joking...just joking
#6PoKeMoM  Dec 19 2010, 00:04 AM -
Replays: 20 Game:
was there like a 10 min no rush rule
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