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Command and Conquer 3

Awesome Gdi Battle vs $kim

#1kimosabe  Nov 25 2010, 12:02 PM -
Replays: 69 Game:
* Close hard fight with non stop action. *

Sorry I couldn't play another straight away, girlfriend was waiting for me to watch a movie. I couldn't find you when I came back, so just msg me if you see me online. Anyways good game.


I've been harverster bugged in the past but never like this. Does anybody know how to fix it, if it keeps happening? Usually after redirecting them a few times they clue up but in this game it was insane. After directing them a few times I thought problem solved.Though they were constantly changing fields to mine or only filling up to a 1/4 of a bucket, before returning to the refinery. hooo hoooo.....
This post has been edited by kimosabe: Nov 25 2010, 15:29 PM
#2RaGe`  Nov 26 2010, 22:13 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
bad luck bro
#3shocktapus  Nov 26 2010, 22:58 PM -
Replays: 223 Game:
Way to stop harv bug is to micro harvs - switch harvs from fields when field is starting to get dry, not when it is completely empty and to manually select patches and then manually return to refinery on its first dock. If you are constantly checking up on fields to maximise their tib yield wtih correct harv to refinery ratios then you wont suffer from harv bug
#4RaGe`  Nov 26 2010, 23:02 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
I once had a harvester bug when I couldnt move my harvesters any more. they were dancing around and kind of stuck and wouldnt move if I right-clicked them or even told them to return to the ref.
Unfortunately that was in very early game and my opponent called me a "lol noob" for not moving my harvesters away from his bikes wacko.gif
These words really hurt me; it would of been even harder if I hadnt bashed him nonetheless and won the game.
This post has been edited by RaGe`: Nov 26 2010, 23:02 PM
#5shocktapus  Nov 26 2010, 23:13 PM -
Replays: 223 Game:
That only happens if you have too many harvs to too few refs - they get cluttered and they bug out - way to solve harv bug is to not get into that situation in the first place
#6kimosabe  Nov 27 2010, 00:27 AM -
Replays: 69 Game:
Yeah I've experienced it a few times but never like this, as I did manually move my harversters to the middle field which had heaps of tiberium. Thinking the problem was solved to later find out that the some harversters are actually collecting tiberium and returning with a full bucket, where the rest were just eating 1/4 of tiberium and then returning to refinerys on the other side of the map. Happened to me all the way through the game. In the past when I have redirected them a few times they clue up, though I've never experienced it happening every time a harverster was mining. I'm usually quiet aware of it but I guess in situations like this I'll just have to watch them 24/7.

I just wondered if its a common thing and has any other players experienced this happening before?
This post has been edited by kimosabe: Nov 27 2010, 03:22 AM
#7Cloverfield  Nov 27 2010, 11:01 AM -
Replays: 38 Game:
nod harvs are more retarded than gdi or scrin ones
#8HiDrauLiCk`o  Nov 27 2010, 17:26 PM -
nod harvs are more retarded than gdi or scrin ones

yea they bug so mush
#9shocktapus  Nov 27 2010, 17:35 PM -
Replays: 223 Game:
I never noticed the nod ones as being especially buggy - I just thought it was the scrin ones that bugged the least
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