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Command and Conquer 3

Powr VS Alternative Nod vs GDI

#31L3g3nd4ry  Feb 25 2008, 15:53 PM -
Replays: 10 Game:
Shoutcast Link fixed. Please leave any comments on Black_Fox's Shoutcast here here

#32DutchFinest  Feb 27 2008, 18:49 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
1337 game biggrin.gif
#33Niai  Mar 7 2008, 02:00 AM -
Replays: 10 Game:
That was brilliant. There was one point where Powr used Cloaking field to kill a single engineer heading towards a husk, even though his Venoms were 1 second away from getting there, and would have dealt with any number of them. It does cost $3000 you know! If only Alternative would have gotten some ZTs and the Scanner Packs earlier too. Could have been a different game.

Wubbed though - highly entertaining.
#34andrew31593  Jan 5 2011, 19:11 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
3 years late but amazing game one of the best i have seen, wonder how these players would compare to the ones that are playing now.
#35shocktapus  Mar 5 2011, 09:43 AM -
Replays: 223 Game:
Alternative would get stomped - dunno about skynny.
#36Skynny  May 30 2011, 06:27 AM -
Replays: 14 Game:
Strategies evolve with time. Neither of us would have much of a problem adjusting to that. It would only be a matter of how much time we put into the game just like all the players that play this game today. Almost anyone is capable of games like this if they have the time to put into it.

Nowadays, I don't have half the time I did when this was played. It's safe to say that I am not competitive anymore and would get stomped as well. In a different world where I would have that time, it would be a different story. wink.gif
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