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Command and Conquer 3

A brilliant game.

#1shocktapus  Mar 28 2017, 00:55 AM -
Replays: 223 Game:
See the title.
#2eXs.bikefan  Apr 1 2017, 11:07 AM -
A pretty long game. Shocktreatment plays as NOd against JakeWhite who plays as GDI. Jake decides to start off with some Engineer-APCs but Shocktreatment's decision to make a two War Factory Scopion tank rush blindcounters Jake's plan.

Seeing the Scorpion tanks from his opponent Jake must give up on the short middle field path towards his opponent and utilize the absolute edges of the map in order to sneak the APC Engineers past the enemy lines.

One APC Engineer makes it through eventually despite Shocktreatment's best efforts to keep the map scouted. The MCV gets captured and eventually sold off leaving Shocktreatment with only a War Factory.

Despite being immensely behind in terms of economy Shocktreatment seems to be unbreakable.
This post has been edited by Claymore92: Apr 1 2017, 11:12 AM
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