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Command and Conquer 3

hook on fire + bashing medi part 2

#1scotchkills  Jul 5 2017, 21:20 PM -
Replays: 18
police help medi with second spike + scout but i defend
than i make spam fullpower 2 sides (help m8) easy because medi is.....
#2mediocre`  Jul 5 2017, 22:08 PM -
Replays: 90 Game:
Wow, you are sooo good, you can post two replays and say you are good. Too bad I don't save all my winning replays vs you....Then again, I don't think my hard drive is big enough to hold them.
#3scotchkills  Jul 5 2017, 22:23 PM -
Replays: 18
medi my little nubcake this games shows only that i can beat u easy...so u cant call me noob than smile.gif between us are 50:50 matches...i just upload some replay because u flame me every time..
u flame a lot of players.. if u be a good player np u can do that than....but u just mid player and got big mouth....dont understand it..
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