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Command and Conquer 3

1.05 Kered13 vs. -Netput

#21Vanadoss  Jul 8 2007, 04:13 AM -
Promoted to GOLD

#22-Netput  Jul 8 2007, 10:09 AM -
w00t biggrin.gif
My first CNC3 gold (and RoTW) wub.gif
#23triumph  Jul 8 2007, 10:41 AM -
Derek lectured me a couple weeks back on the useage of firehawks, I think they would've turned this game around instead of ZT drops. *shakes fist at the cost*. Cool game, entertaining buggie usage.
#24Derek  Jul 8 2007, 13:34 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
Gold and RotW! Awesome! biggrin.gif
This post has been edited by Derek: Jul 8 2007, 13:34 PM
#25jorspo0  Jul 8 2007, 14:48 PM -
Replays: 0
Promoted to

Suba-duba PINK

Because every replay is gold nowadays and we need new levels! VeryFunny.gif
#26B00M  Jul 8 2007, 15:55 PM -
Replays: 57 Game:
Awesome replay, first one ever that I rated a 9.
#27nako333  Jul 8 2007, 22:20 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
GDI lamenes,cheapness and brute force VS NOD skill BY NOD!
Is very painfull and infair to see this game FOR THE OVERPORED USE IN FEW points or i mean units ON THE GDI side....this is gonna be long:

1)sonic emitter : someting really cheap and overpowered and abused on MP and loved when used in favor...in the single player this weapon was discovered by accident by a german and it was really efective against scrin side especially to weacken them but why against nod so efective?this T3 defense need a nerf in dmg to be fair...or a price increase like 2500.

2)pitbulls/mortar:this unit is the most cheap and lame unit like 1.04 scorpions. pitbulls>infantery,air,light vehicules,structures,"heavy tanks" JUST ALL no words for lameness.
INCREASSE PRICE OF PITBULLS AND APC (apc=850 and pitbull 900) they are VERY VERY VERY COST EFETIVE FOR his price not compared to nod and scrin AT LEAST nod got vulnerabilitys for his ussefullnes...

3)infantery: the best of the best upgraded infantery of the game. gdi players complayn about scrin bussers all day and they dont USE APC , whith rifles inside to kill any bussers and busser swarms to protect the missile squads... learn to counter! gdi got A LOT OF SOLID yes SOLID (almost insta. death) counters in the game.

4)GDI HARVESTER: at the momment this harvester IS THE MORE HARD TO KILL HARVESTER IN THE GAME is fast and hard to kill. promote fast and rape infantery, nod got A WEAK harvester dye in 1/4 of the time compared to a gdi harvester (looks like ea love gdi :the favorite of the momenth... ). how lame to show a gdi harvester pic countering lots of nod missile squads ITS A SHAME gdi lame! GOLD FOR LAMENESS! sleep.gif the nod player desserv the victory in thath momment...

5)MAMOTH: THIS UNIT got a HUGE RANGE,POWER,HP,ARMOR, cheap price kill just ALL vehicule in seconds and air the same. i didnt notice the NERF! in fact i see a BUFFS to ALL gdi side! on this unit in fact they do MORE DAMAGE FOR SECOND they are overpowered for his price this unit should cost 2800 lowering the turret turn rate or the rail guns dont insta kill rifles and missile squads like heavy onfantery units armor).

final notes: this side can win very easy now in mp and singleplayer in any dificulty getting any medal whith any mission acomplished.EA LOVE GDI LIKE BLIZZARD LOVE PROTOSS(even the companny denny thath:hahahah "LYES")...
playing toss in star craf BW was just making lots of dragoons and zealots spam--->attack--->win.
JUST same as gdi making lots of pitbulls--->mamothsand some counters kill all. i think scrin and nod need more HARD counters to kill GDI units bcse the actual counters this 2 sides got are soft counters example:
black hand is a soft counter--------> zonetroopers
sonic emmiter is A HARD counter (insta DEATH)----> scorps

thaths what i mean insta death to GDI units thath are the counters scrin and nod need to fight this GDI overpowerness.
p.d:i love gdi like all but is no fair guys eejeje at least nod are adapting to counter the actual gdi strat today and i am glad to see this . nod still losse A lot of units but this is a answer we are looking for victory same as scrin...like fighting terrans vs OVERPOWERED protoss the terran player need a strict concentration, a good prepared tactic, right an HARD COUNTERS to win, and some luck to win against this BLOODY OVERPOWERED TOSS BASTARDS same as NOD VS GDI...
in sintesis SKILL>BRUTE FORCE AND SPAM in any rts
GREETINGS and gg for both
This post has been edited by nako333: Jul 8 2007, 23:12 PM
#28landaishan  Jul 9 2007, 07:58 AM -
Replays: 5 Game:
rest in peace elite harvester. your memory will live on forever within our screenshot
#29_IaMThoR_  Jul 9 2007, 21:14 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
Poor harvy sad.gif
#30Technique  Jul 10 2007, 14:45 PM -
Replays: 38 Game:
lot of mistakes in this game... from both sides... not worth gold... silver i can understand cause it was a nice watch but gold should be classy play
This post has been edited by Technique: Jul 10 2007, 14:45 PM
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