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Command and Conquer 3

1.05 Pilbots (GDI) vs Apollo (Scrin)

#1KlunG  Jun 17 2007, 10:29 AM -


Match Overview
This was an excellent game between Pilbots and Apollo on Tournament Rift. Both players used solid operational build orders but Apollo’s was a little more economy heavy as he produced his refineries before placing a barracks. There wasn’t much harassment early in this game a single lightning spike at Pilbots base pretty much summed it up.

However that’s not to say this game was not without action. After both players took control of their lower second field Apollo raced with a spider over to the center and Pilbots got there soon after. The game evolved into a back and forth high tech battle with tripods and devastators being used by Apollo and SEs and Mammoths being used by Pilbots. The micro in this part of the game was superb as the map began to run dry of tiberium and units became more valuable. Pilbots began to throw orcas into the mix and Apollo continues his valiant attack and defense, recovering tripod after tripod with assimilators in the face of Pilbots’ steely determination to win.

I think after watching this game a lot of people will be mimicking this build order, likewise with Apollo’s – both are excellent for 1.05. As I said above and as usual your micro was excellent this game, though I think you suffered from a lack of unit diversity at times. Great job attempting to throw the commando into the mix as well as the orcas. I think you just began to run out of steam as the game went on – Scrin’s air superiority in this just held you down for long enough. Highlight for me from you this game was microing your harvesters to take out his second(?) mastermind.
    Tips for improvement
  • I’m sure you could’ve taken back or taken out the two lower tiberium spikes this game – they gave your opponent the funds he needed to sustain his attack for most of the game.
  • Against his Devastators I think well microed firehawks would have worked much better than the AA turret spam, he had next to no anti air which is reasonable to have against GDI but firehawks could’ve done some real damage to those Devastators or to his base farther back.
  • I’m not sure if you could have afforded it but a few sneaky pitbulls down and around the side of his base could have done some real damage to his economy middle or late game.
  • You got caught floating a few times this game, spam out more units or hold onto more SEs, invest in the firehawks I mentioned!
  • Try to send your commando in when your opponent is completely distracted, your first one kind of jumped in and did nothing because your opponent had nothing else to deal with at the time.
  • Even though you didn’t lose it, it looked like the first MM in the game was going to take your tech center just because it was so far forward in your base. I don’t think it’s worth risking that building for the sake of the spider but that might just be me.
  • Kill his husks when they’re so close to his base or try to kill his assimilators. I think a couple of well placed snipers would have caused some issues for his unit salvaging.
You played excellently here too and I think your BO will be imitated by Scrin players the world over (maybe even the ones who just MM/MS rush!). You probably could’ve harassed more but considering the battle in the middle it might have just put you further behind for the beginning of that. You didn’t make any gigantic mistakes this game, though you probably shouldn’t have given bots any of your tripods. Great use of Scrin’s endgame though, top notch.
    Tips for Improvement
  • Maybe try to harass your opponent. This isn’t a definite tip but it’s something you didn’t really do aside from your lightning spike, stormriders and occasional MM prancing around behind his lines.
  • Bots beat you to the lower blue field, partly because he had the upperhand at the time and partly because your map awareness wasn’t great at this time. Try to increase your map awareness – ranging stormriders are excellent for this purpose, especially if you happen across an expansion vehicle of your opponents.
  • Mixing in some antiair with your main force probably would have done an excellent job just to cover any GDI bombing runs or orca strikes. A few groups of well microed shock troopers would have done the job – and helped out with your mammoth harrying.
Reviewers Rating: 7

Link to original topic.
This post has been edited by KlunG: Jun 20 2007, 21:12 PM
#2AgmLauncher  Jul 20 2007, 04:33 AM -

Note to moderators, this is the same replay as

This post has been edited by AgmLauncher: Jul 20 2007, 04:33 AM
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