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Command and Conquer 3

1.03 =SU=EffTankSpam (Nod) vs epaRJibbles (GDI)

#1Vissario  Apr 5 2007, 23:01 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
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REPLAY REVIEW by Species8472, 6 April 2007

Match Overview
Nothing more than a decent tank battle, with a quite obvious outcome. Both players didn't really tech up fast and there was some unit diversity, but that didn't really change the outcome of the game.

Normal crane BO with decent scorp spam, eventually with rocket soldiers, you could have harassed a bit more and used a lot more unit diversity. Just send some tanks out to kill harvies or refineries. If you have 3 harvesters coming from the war facs then your economy wouldn't have problems to build another war fac or some venoms from air towers. Rocket soldiers are not threat at all, just micro your tanks over them and try to keep focus fire on the predators. The thing that can go wrong on Nod's side is that the scorpions are too much attacking one by one, but you kept them quite well together. Decently played by Nod, but could have been better. GDI won because it has a better end game, with predators, mammoths and railgun upgrade, next to that Nod was drying out of tiberium as well as GDI, but Nod needs to spam.
    Tips for improvement
  • Boost your eco.
  • Make some venoms.
  • Harass more.
Decent GDI play overall, nice use of Zone Troopers in late game, I didn't think you would win in one of the first tank battles before your war facs, but it went well. Your economy was booming, but remind yourself that you can still sell your refineries. There wasn't always focused fire, the losses would have been less if you would have used that more. Railguns and Mammoth's were a bit late though, try to get them sooner.
    Tips for Improvement
  • Sell Refineries.
  • Focus Fire.
  • Upgrade your infantry if you spam in mass.
Reviewers Rating: 6

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