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Command and Conquer 3

lockpick gets doubled and survive vs top 20

#1the.dark-knight  Dec 21 2008, 22:36 PM -
Replays: 22 Game:
for a minute i thought i was owned with no help from m8,but i played along and did everything i could do atm,and what do you know,IT PAID OFF...I SURVIVED....I think mainly cause dayz didnt prepare for gdi the right way and cost him game
but lookoflove did everything right,even send all his units to m8s base but to no use..it was tooo late for him
1 mistake can determine the win or lost in 2v2 no matter the rank..and to think me and that guy that played
i dont even know him
lol...our first game together vs top players that play with each other everyday..cnc3 = full of suprizes..i hope you enjoy..and to tell you the truth..i didnt expect to win..and dont know how we did.
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