Explore GameReplays...

Command and Conquer 3

[R] Lots of action, almost a good come back

#1War Eagle  Apr 24 2007, 19:22 PM -
Replays: 20 Game:
Well folks, I almost won this one. At the point after he attacked me I thought I had a chance but then he rebuilt and those rail guns sad.gif.

Anyway, I think it should make a fun watch And I would like a review smile.gif.

#2War Eagle  Apr 25 2007, 20:55 PM -
Replays: 20 Game:
Page 2, bump sad.gif.
#3YaMa  Apr 25 2007, 20:59 PM -
Replays: 32 Game:
REPLAY REVIEW BY YaMa - (25-04-2007)

Match Overview
The match below average in terms of skill, both players terribly organized their econ, specially scrin player, that was why he lost this one, nice comeback by GDI player though.

If you start with explorer then you should guard it with wf or somthing, although i don't prefer explorer early on, you lost it so early.
  • +Good usage of lightening spike.
  • +Nice micro with stormriders.
  • -Storm riders spam, 4 storm riders are enough.
  • -You built 3 WF, which killed your economy.
  • -After your lightening spike destroyed, you should have attacked his suveyor with your storm riders.
  • -Bad micro, you lost many devourer tankes early while you attackin his supply, you should have reversed them back.

You shouldn't have built a suveyor in this map, It is slow enough to be killed early, your micro was so bad.
  • +Owned his second supply early.
  • +Teched up fast.
  • +Nice comeback.
  • -Building 3 WFs will kill your economy, It's not blue tib map.
  • -Bad micro, you lost so many predators/mamoths/Pitbull to stormriders/Devourers, I think if u had microed your pitbulls better, you could have won this faster.
Reviewers Rating: 4
This post has been edited by YaMa: Apr 25 2007, 22:07 PM
#4War Eagle  Apr 25 2007, 22:43 PM -
Replays: 20 Game:
Thanks for the review smile.gif.

-Storm riders spam, 4 storm riders are enough.

Umm 4 is NEVER enough, take a watch on this replay lol, you need waaaaaay more than 4.

#5YaMa  Apr 25 2007, 23:12 PM -
Replays: 32 Game:
by looking at the map, it was TA which has blue tib field, this one doesn't have blue tib field, if you just sticked with 4 stormriders and harass his harvesters, while teching up to tripods with just only 2 wfs, i think you would have won this, if your opponent built more pitbulls and microed better, your stormriders wouldn't had a chance.
#6War Eagle  Apr 26 2007, 01:57 AM -
Replays: 20 Game:
idk, most good Scrin players get allot of storm riders..... Anyway, the micro part is true, mine was bad.
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