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Command and Conquer 3

Scrin Harassment is FTW!

#1ZavioN  Mar 31 2007, 08:37 AM -
Replays: 16 Game:
There wasn't much he could do. I wasn't even trying hard. Storm Riders are just pure awesome.
#2Chakuzo  Mar 31 2007, 11:18 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Nice air rush. The GDI had from the outset no chance, since it had made some mistakes and no air defense built against the Scrin.
#3AgmLauncher  Mar 31 2007, 12:30 PM -

The only thing is, his BO was quite slow and anything would have been able to harass him. Here's what I'd recommend to really leverage the power of Scrin's harassment ability.

Do the BO you did minus the explorer to the other green field. Get both a nerve center and stasis chamber as soon as possible. Use the first set of buzzers you made from selling your refinery to scout his base. Place a lightning spike at the back of his green tiberium and make it attack his harvesters. If he ignores it, you'll kill his harveters. If he deals with it, he's behind. You might even get him to spend money on an anti-tank turret if you're lucky.

Then scout his blue field with your buzzers and place a stasis field around his harvester to slow his economy down even further.

Then get a quick airfield OR just mass seekers and then kill off the harvester(s) at the blue tiberium field once the stasis field disappears. It's a VERY crippling strategy.

I've used it once or twice, but I didn't realize just how insane it was until Skynny used it against me. It's quite abusive tongue.gif
This post has been edited by AgmLauncher: Mar 31 2007, 12:31 PM
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