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Command and Conquer 3

[R] I need serious help!

#1War Eagle  Mar 28 2007, 22:05 PM -
Replays: 20 Game:
ok, I did my fast expansion and scorpion spam but I didn't have a chance..... watch and help me please.

#2Pilbots  Mar 28 2007, 22:38 PM -
alright so here's the deal

You had a great opening build order, that's exactly what you need to do on that map. 1 ref 2 harvesters on main field is ideal for all maps and expansion fields vary

Here's my advice:

-Next time deploy your emisarry in the middle of the green field and the blue field so that you can quickly get to harvesting both. You didn't touch the middle field! Get at least 3 refineries on that field as soon as you can, don't be shy!

-Sell your emisarry as soon as you have a build radius around both fields.

-Either go for the spikes at the start or don't try and take them until you are in complete control of the surrounding area. I personally don't even like the spikes, I wouldn't have built a barracks in this game.

-Main thing you need to remember in this matchup is to NEVER fight predators head to head with scorpions unless you outnumber them 3-1. Always run around and try to harrass harvesters or orcas or what have you. Use reverse to pull back targeted tanks (D) and try and save as many as possible

-If you are going to build alot of scorps or venoms, the laser capacitor upgrade is a must. Especially for venoms. Those things in large numbers (20-30) are beasts with lasers. What you can do vs GDI is get a good number of them and harrass powerplants so that AA guns will not be operational. They are also EXCELLENT scouts for vertigo bombers. Keep this in mind and always try to take out the tech center with 4 vertigos

-When building avatars you HAVE to give them the beam cannon upgrade. Otherwise they are just not worth building. Also try and bunch as many as you can together and get a cloaking field on them

Good luck !
#3dommafia  Mar 28 2007, 22:50 PM -
Replays: 8 Game:
Nice tips, I'm a little confused as to why you dont like spikes though. Is it a waste of time building early rax + engis? I thought the 700 u get on capture pays off.
#4AgmLauncher  Mar 28 2007, 22:51 PM -

On this map it's a pointless guessing game as to which spike which person when to first. You're better of spamming refineries and WFs and then just killing the spikes if they've been captured.
#5War Eagle  Mar 28 2007, 23:22 PM -
Replays: 20 Game:
Thanks bunches pillbots, I think him getting the middle tib fields ruined me.

Thanks tons biggrin.gif.
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