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Command and Conquer 3

Good fight vs Zorro

#1shocktapus  Jan 15 2017, 17:55 PM -
Replays: 223 Game:
GDI vs Nod
#2eXs.bikefan  Jan 16 2017, 23:06 PM -
Shocktreatment plays as GDI whereas Kriptozoy plays as Nod.

Both players start with an early outpost at the their respective blue Tiberium fields. Shocktreatment follows his expansion up with early Pitbull harassment while building his economy up. Having taken care of the Pitbulls Kriptozoy makes his counterattack with a dual MCV Obelisk push forcing Shocktreatment to tech up as well.
#3Nestea^  Jan 23 2017, 16:46 PM -
Replays: 63 Game:
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